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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. By the way, this was supposed to chipped this morning between 7 and 8, but it's still here. Good thing that there's nowhere to go!
  2. I had a busy afternoon yesterday taking down five of the 15 year old Leylands along the side of the yard. They were getting too large and shading the garden too much, so it was time. I think I'll wait until fall to plant something else and use the space this summer for climbing ornamental squash for decorating and pumpkins for brewing.
  3. We picked up a few pints of Taharka Bros in Hampden area. So good!
  4. Man, someone please open the covid thread so we can keep this thread fun.
  5. That’s for Baltimore county, right? I don’t think hoco has been given a completion date, which is totally ridiculous since we are basically covering a section a week, at least in math. I’d love to know how many weeks I have so I can prioritize and plan but I guess that’s asking too much. It is totally infuriating to me how detached those in education that don’t teach have no remembrance of what teaching was like. Excuse the rant. You can do pretty much whatever you like without ramifications right now. We were in Blackwater last weekend and it was a free for all. We just kept driving until we got isolated And then went about our day. And the roads? Fahgetaboutit.
  6. Follow Trixie’s lead and spit it out on people. Just kidding, Trix.
  7. Without the annoying morning hangover.
  8. I was a beer vendor at opcy for 25 years. Red Sox fans were awesome right up until they got good. Then they got super obnoxious. Don’t get me wrong. The money was fantastic but I liked it so much better when they weren’t so arrogant. Of course, I say all this and still look forward to the day when I can be an arrogant O’s fan.
  9. Nah. My reply started okay, but I got into current divisiveness and it started heading downhill. Not the place. Definitely need a get together.
  10. Based on your past, Schlitz for the heavy winter months and Piels for the summer months.
  11. I started a reply but it wouldn’t go well. I’ll just leave it at that I’d enjoy sitting down with you, having a beer or two, and a good discussion.
  12. Who’s interested in joining my gf and me for a trip to Davis and Stumptown Ales for a beer stock up and a hike in the high country of Dolly Sods covered in snow? All social distancing rules will apply. eta: Saturday
  13. Don’t sweat it too much. Our country was born on differing views that boiled over before, and I don’t think we are anywhere close to that. I concede that it seems magnified recently and that may be because anybody can find a stage and an audience in the social media world we live in, but it’s mostly noise.
  14. Nearly 8:weeks into the quarantine and I’m still not tired of Manhattans. I’ve perfected my recipe and the key for me is rye because the spice to compliment the sweetness of the vermouth. Although I’m not a big fan of margaritas, after this Manhattan, I may have to mix something up with a little tequila.
  15. June 10th for start of spring training,
  16. I’m guessing no fans right now. Well, when they start.
  17. Hasn’t been confirmed but it sounds like MLB will resume spring training on June 15 and open the season July 1 with teams playing in their own stadiums.
  18. I deleted a post because it could have been misconstrued as critical of @Hank Scorpio ‘s post. It wasn’t. It would be awesome if kids have a built in immunity of some sort. My deleted post was because of the ridiculous responses by someone else and I don’t want to engage in it.
  19. I want to continue the discussion but need to head out for some work. Will pick up later
  20. I’m not trying to be asshat, but which, if any, of the following are true: You don’t understand how your idea could lead to a flood of new cases You don’t believe the virus is that big a deal so even if there is a flood of new cases, it won’t be a problem for our health system Its every man for himself so if there’s a flood of cases and hospitals get overwhelmed, survival of the fittest There won’t be a flood of new cases Something else? And again, there’s no tone in my post, just wondering your thoughts. Phin, too, if/when he sees this.
  21. I honestly don’t know, but not now in my opinion. I’m not even sure what businesses should begin opening which is why I asked you and Phin for your thoughts. The kids discussion is particularly difficult because there is a high risk that they have the virus and no one knows it. A friend of mine is an actuary and they have had meetings centered around the notion that the goal of the stay at home orders is so that only 5 - 10% of the population gets exposed at a time. I just don’t see how that gets done, but letting kids play together could potentially expose a much larger percentage.
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