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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Check out the Canaan cams. https://www.canaanresort.com/resort/webcams/
  2. Pretty much the same here. My gf and I stayed at Jonjon and his wife’s place when they had the B&B some 12 years ago. Great people. The Thomas - Davis area is really beautiful, and their brewery is awesome.
  3. We can be there anytime that is convenient for you. What time is the brewery open for carryout? We will check online how to order before we get there If that’s required.
  4. A few martinis and a slug of whiskey on a neighbor’s front porch that is in our social distance Pikesville Posse, and things are good. In the garage brewery now drinking.Monument Rye and watching the end of Shawshank Redemption. Quarantine is good tonight.
  5. You all need to go back and like his stuff to encourage him. @North Balti Zen, keep it up, bro. Life is good. Looking forward to yours beers tomorrow. Maybe we can social distance a drink in the back alley.
  6. Is anyone else’s going to be missing the Black Eye Susan and Preakness Stakes next weekend?
  7. Is that a 3-4-5 triangle? Well done, Pythagoras!
  8. Looks like this may come to fruition. Pretty good cell coming out of the Martinsburg area.
  9. I think it was a consensus decision with mods and Randy, but could be wrong. Though I don’t think it was based on any one person.
  10. I know that. Delete these two posts so people don’t start thinking you’re normal.
  11. Why in God’s name would you waste a Bundt cake pan on that? I mean, you did throw it away after you were done, right?
  12. How’s distance teaching going?
  13. Seriously. What is that gelatinous noodle and tomato stuff? It looks like Bill Cosby’s pudding mix meets Chef Boyardee’s mini O’s.
  14. C’mon Reaper, you’ve got to do better than that.
  15. I still don’t know what that chef boy r dee gelatin looking stuff is.
  16. That’s a quality happy hours.
  17. Man, you e got to be careful with those sneaky calorie-loaded rum drinks. They’ll stick to your bones.
  18. Oh, definitely. Always add the olive juice. eta: and shaken. It’s got to be foggy looking.
  19. I’m pretty sure he’s vacationing on some open beach in Florida.
  20. I’m feeling like something salty. I’m going in for a vodka martini with olives.
  21. I’m glad to hear that you don’t judge. We’ve got the pantry loaded with instant packs. Perfect for the two of us and so many great artificial flavors!
  22. Probably not the instant kind, huh?
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