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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Beautiful out here now. This is the weather I was imagining for more of this week. Sunny skies, breezy, and tropical clouds moving backwards across the sky.
  2. Pulling wire in new construction is okay work, but I’ll bet you were in an old house. Not so fun.
  3. Happy Birthday, @H2O May your faucets forever flow.
  4. The 6z gfs would make me sad.
  5. Trying something from my deep past tonight. A vodka gimlet. Keep up the beer reviews. A lot that I haven’t tried and I like hearing what you all have to say.
  6. Is anyone else watching the Frontline episode after the Mr? Tornado show?
  7. I can’t speak for other areas, but our forum has some great drinking folks. I don’t mean drink too much (well, maybe me), but rather really good tastes and recipes. @nj2va ‘s drink sounds awesome! I just planted two basil plants and can’t wait to get a few more leaves to try that. And where the heck is @mattie g ? He’s a savant at this stuff.
  8. Dude, when it’s okay, make the trip here. These are good. It’s a simple recipe of 1/2 oz sweet vermouth, 1 oz of Bulleit rye, two dashes of Angostura bitters, and a small dash, a half dash, of orange bitters. I pretty much always double it and add two Luxembourg cherries with a little juice. Wr can act old and sophisticated, and drink Manhattans while shooting pool. @losetoa6 will show up, get drunk, and spill Pabst Blue Ribbon on the table. Just another day here...
  9. It’s a Manhattan with Bulleit rye. I really like the spicy rye with the sweet vermouth. I need to start making my own Luxardo cherries. Buying them on amazon in packs of 3 for $54 is getting expensive. I love Jefferson stuff.
  10. Who's idea was that? He's a clown.
  11. 72 and a perfect.evening and Manhattan.
  12. What is it about getting projects done that is so satisfying? Hmmm. Maybe it’s guilt-free drinking.
  13. It’s already cooler. And we are moving on to bourbon mint juleps. Giddy up.
  14. Happy Preakness Day! Last year’s glass was the worst. But I can tell you the winner of any year’s Preakness.
  15. Still hot’ish here. My girl said she wants to hold this temp for the summer. I want 5-10 degrees cooler. The thermometer here says 81. eta: got the plants in the garden, mowed, and now drinking mojitos with mint from the mint bed.
  16. Let me know if you want some help loading the logs. That’s fun work with a splitter.
  17. We’ve got a commercial saw mill near here (Erdrich Lumber) and I’m pretty sure that they pay for large trees that can be milled, but probably not worth the hassle for most people, including me. That’s cool that you had furnishings made from them.
  18. I know you’re semi-kidding, but I am with you. One nice drenching early in the week and then partly sunny with periods of showers. It would be nice to see tropical clouds without tropical temperatures.
  19. He's not wrong. It's going to be pretty tough to get any sports team to buy into playing any time soon. I wouldn't even know where to begin regarding a discussion about contracts.
  20. Another busy afternoon on the back 100. We moved the chives, oregano, and rosemary (first time it’s survived the winter!), got the sod down and spread the compost over the garden for planting tomorrow. Still a little behind but without our annual Black Eye Susan party today, no big deal. Tomorrow would’ve been the Preakness but hopefully it still happens in September or October. Enjoying Jonjons Bewildered Hippie IPA. Another winner. The garden is going to do so well with more sun. Before and after pics.
  21. You’re a thinker. Should definitely include something west’ish. Go for it!
  22. Someone start a rainfall contest. It would be something to do...
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