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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. It’s interesting that you bring this up, though not for me. I’m feeling way better today and normally don’t have gastro issues. However, my mom is getting up there in age (she’s 79) and says she lives in chronic pain. She’s complained about it for years, gets shots, takes pain meds, etc. I’ve suggested medical marijuana, and I think she’s finally willing to try it, but have no idea what’s involved in getting it for her.
  2. I’ll have to give it a try. Thanks.
  3. Thanks, man. It’s weird. I had some aches and chills the first day, but no fever and no cough, so in spite of trying to convince myself I have covid, I know that I don’t. I still have an appetite other than worrying that after I eat is no fun, so it can’t be serious. I’m sure it’s from the fresh seafood I ate (crabs, scallops, and fresh tuna from a neighbor), but I’m still keeping away from others. And the chartreuse is working on the bloating, so I’m good this evening.
  4. I’m not a fan of the original.
  5. My stomach has been acting up the last three days which is very unusual for me. I looked up stomach soothing drinks and the closest thing we’ve got in the house is green chartreuse. Syrupy and generally nasty, but doing the trick on my stomach. And my head.
  6. Even had an accumulating snow of a couple of inches in PG county that event.
  7. There was .30” in the gauge today including some bird doo. Going with .29”.
  8. Yeah, I remember you jammin’ out to my 80’s mix at the Black Eye Susan party last year. By the way, depending on the virus, this year’s event is October 2nd.
  9. Lol. Yes! But it was the Buggles.
  10. Fritos and Ruffle potato chips are my go to, but when I’m feeling nostalgic, I get some Bugles, turn my hands into monster claws, and eat them from my fingertips.
  11. Same. Got into a heavy 10 minute downpour and now some steady rain. I hope it keeps coming.
  12. Very good! Thanks. We may be up that way for a quiet 4th of July weekend. Unrelated, but my girl and I decided to bait up the trot line and give it a go for some crabs even though it is early and it’s been pretty chilly. We didn’t get on the water until 4:30 but managed a dozen and a half of some big, muddy, and packed crabs. I left the bait on the trot line just in case I want to sneak out again tomorrow after work!
  13. Mojitos on the patio with fresh mint from the garden.
  14. I’ll take “Another Bump North” for $1,000, Alex.
  15. @jonjon is the taproom open these days? Need another fix.
  16. My garden would love low 80's, high humidity, partly sunny, and off and on showers for a few days. I don't need 5" (even though I'm mostly Irish, RR), but I'd gladly take a heavy downpour every day.
  17. That was a great read and, more interestingly, it makes me consider opening a twitter account. Well done!
  18. It's turning into a beautiful evening. Humidity still dropping and temps in the low 80's. Started happy hour with a Manhattan and cruised the back 100 (square yards?) checking out the seedling transfers and pulling a few weeds with drink in hand. Back inside and opened the slider and the windows and turned off the downstairs AC. The upstairs AC died last August and I'm on the schedule for a replacement, but last night's sleep was brutal. Tonight and through the weekend should be awesome.
  19. Critters can be so much better than people.
  20. Cool. I took the survey and basically said that they shouldn't dumb anything down for the sake of those that won't educate themselves. I also said that they should bring back the "traveler's advisory."
  21. Sun is out here and it's really sticky out there. I did some moving of seedlings and am sweating like a pig. I was hoping for cloudy and showers all day to help the seedlings survive, but if not, it's not a big deal. They were coming up from last year's harvest that I didn't pick and don't want to just kill, so I'm not too invested. Picked up another .15" this morning to bring the event to .83". Looking at that map from @losetoa6, I've got only another 11 inches coming in the next week.
  22. I haven’t seen a map like that since January 2016.
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