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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Isn’t there a rule that says the stronger an Atlantic tropical storm gets, the more west it ends up?
  2. Just got half of the month July. Please send more.
  3. I’ve got a couple beers in the fridge that I should give you. I hate throwing away alcohol even if I don’t like it. On the wax obs front, I don’t want to jinx it, but that blob is getting very close to my rain deterrent dome,
  4. Good to see you post. How are you and the family doing? (I got my negative result today)
  5. We have 14 sets, though some of those shutters aren’t very long, and we will use five cans. I made a u-shaped template to put on the bottom half, then flip and do the top, but she ended up just using a single piece of cardboard, worked around the perimeter, and didn’t overspray al all. I used Krylon and it’s about $9 a can, but I searched and Rustoleum makes a clear gloss for $4. I’m not sure if it’s uv resistant or not.
  6. I would love it to catch up on some reading.
  7. Yeah. They really do. And really quick. The better half did 10 sets sets this evening while I cut the lawn and swore at the trimmer that won’t start. I need to borrow an extension ladder from my neighbor to get the final three sets on the second floor that don’t have roof access. Amazingly, just by doing the shutters, the siding looks better!
  8. Before cutting the grass, I made a template for my girl to use on the way-faded shutters. We are using Krylon Clear Gloss UV Resistant spray. Wow!! What a difference!!! Totally recommend this over any wipes. Top shutters not done yet, but the bottom is sprayed and dried.
  9. I’m going to cut the lawn during HH, but I’ll join you with a very much under-rated Union Duckpin.
  10. Front row seats will be here anyway. By the way, for hockey fans, August is going to be like a mini NCAA tourney. Game after game all day.
  11. They just did a pregame special and a video of Mo was played. My girlfriend is bawling. I’m fighting it...
  12. Pictures or it didn’t happen. SAL sunset?
  13. Dude, that’s awesome. Congratulations! Losing weight isn’t easy. Keep it up!
  14. Congrats for falling off the wagon! If you don’t mind me asking, how much weight did you end up losing during your beer sabbatical? I need to do something like that, but I might give up solid food and keep drinking.
  15. Pumpkins remind me of that scene in a Christmas Story when Ralphie’s dad says, “Careful, now. They run all over.”
  16. The reddest one is Better Boy and the off colored is Mr. Stripey. The Mr. Stripey is like candy. So sweet and juicy. I pick them on the early side because if they are on the vine too long, they can crack and bugs go at them.
  17. Why in God’s name don’t you have a 4wd pass on to assateague? Of all the rednecks on this board, I thought for sure that you’d have one! Heading down for a couple days next week! eta: I have some electrical work here that needs a pro if you want to make a few bucks and a lot of beer.
  18. I got tested on Sunday after two.camping trips to play it safe. Staying away from others until I get results which may be in October at this rate. If only I was a professional athlete, then I could move to the front of the line.
  19. Tomorrow’s frontal passage looks pretty dry for most of us. Boo.
  20. It’s crazy how easily the virus spreads, but it’s good to hear that the symptoms are so far, not more serious. If you’re able and feel up to it, keep us posted.
  21. @DCTeacherman If you see this, I’d like to know how you’re doing.
  22. To each his own. Like I said, a different channel for it. eta: I’d be especially interested in hearing baseball and hockey.
  23. It does stink, but I didn’t have big expectations for the postseason this year. I’m just happy that they are able to play, and hopefully can get through the entire season. I wish there was a pay channel that ran all the sports games with audio equipment on the field to hear the player’s chatter. If ESPN can do the MJ series, why not every other sport? It would be such a different and cool perspective.
  24. It’s nice heading into August and still being in it.
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