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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Blue Jackets and Lightning going to their fifth OT, so the Bruins / Hurricanes game is rescheduled for tomorrow before the Caps 3pm game. Bruins and Canes drop the puck at 11AM!
  2. It was about a mile from here so all fine in our hood. It shook the house though. I honestly thought our new AC compressor blew up.
  3. https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/baltimore-county/bs-md-co-reisterstown-home-explosion-20200810-q4te2zdhiffd3eolbetmfekfna-story.html eta: WTOP has an incredible before and after image. Scroll down in the link below. https://wtop.com/baltimore/2020/08/major-gas-explosion-in-baltimore-kills-at-least-1/
  4. Pretty terrible situation just a mile down the street from here with the explosion. We were playing our morning backgammon game, heard the explosion, the house shook, and I went out and walked around the house because it felt that close.
  5. I didn’t look today, but the gfs yesterday looked good in the long range too. Maybe not below normal but anything near the 20 year normal is pretty much below normal as far as I’m concerned.
  6. Hyde handled the presser well but he was peeved. That rule for “mechanical malfunctions” was written for mechanical roofs and tarps. Not human error.
  7. Oh, yeah. They totally effed it up. Ben McDonald’s quote at one point when things were really tangled up was something like, “That looks like my new open face fishing reel.” https://sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/nationals-grounds-crew-hilariously-struggles-to-unroll-tarp-during-rain-delay-191207071.html
  8. Lol. I think his “juice” was adderall.
  9. One quarter of the season today. It would be nice to be above .500!
  10. The ground crew troubles are a riot.
  11. What the hell is the DC ground crew doing?!?
  12. I wish that I hadn’t commented. Not sure that I even agree with what I wrote, but 10 year old Lagavulin will do that. How much longer are we tied to Davis?
  13. Davis is worth keeping around for defense until someone better comes along. And even If someone better comes along, it has to be someone better at a time when the team is somewhat better. If you’re hog tied to throw away good money on a non performing player, there’s no point in cutting him loose and still paying him if the player that replaces him is better but the team is, at best, mediocre.
  14. Without taste buds is the time to fry them up and give ‘me a try! How are you feeling?
  15. Damn. I didn’t know Smoketown had a location in Frederick! When @jonjon wants the open a barrel aged location in Fredrick, this little warehouse strip would be a great location. @Scraff can be in charge of distribution. I’ll sample.
  16. Man, totally poured with some great thunder! And in the words of every girl I’ve ever dated, “Well, that was quick.”
  17. The feeling is mutual! Grass is always greener and all... The storm here is getting more ominous.
  18. Like you didn’t know that. Hope that you’re doing well! Wait. Do you mean the photograph or my liver?
  19. Sitting outside at Attaboy Brewery enjoying a very social distant beer and watching the storm brew just to our west.
  20. Do any of the CoCoRaHS users know how to change the default time of daily observations on an account?
  21. Good to see that Marylanders aren’t the only idiot drivers that can’t turn on their headlights when it’s raining.
  22. If you have enough to overseed a second time if necessary in those areas, why not?
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