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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. I don’t have a Facebook account but I’ve heard that’s a good group.
  2. I should brew a few more beers, fill up the keezer, then have a BYOM&C (mask & chair) drop in. Better yet, fill the keezer and drive it up to @nj2va’s place at Deep Creek for a drop in there.
  3. It’s done and good! Let me know where and when you want to pick up a growler.
  4. I’m not sure what you know of Dolly Sods, but your words are echoed by so many in that the area has some commonalities to fauna of Alaska. It’s such a beautiful area. Blackbird Knob near the intersection of Harman. The best part of the trip is that all mud yesterday, and even today in the shade, was frozen enough to not sink ankle deep.
  5. Thanks for the props!! I was actually backpacking in Dolly Sods again. Cold and windy as all get out yesterday,, but today was spectacular. The whole trip was great. Working on the second and third sheets to the wind now. Here’s a pic from the this morning with the smoke from our fire hanging over the creek.
  6. The same thing happened here on Saturday. They aerated the entire backyard for me!
  7. It’s one of 10 winters he used (and two others are emphasized and weighted heavier), and it’s not like he’s predicting 5 feet of snow. Personally, of his analog years, I’ll take a February ‘79 repeat and be very happy.
  8. If I think about, I can’t see straight. He “lived” a block from me, though I think he probably didn’t live anywhere very long. I keep trying to find a picture of him because I’m sure that I would recognize him. Hopefully he gets the maximum sentence. I have the first four Jilly mugs from the mug club, and I just re-upped a couple of weeks ago, so my fifth mug is dust. That should be enough for an extra 25 years.
  9. A little over .5” here, and a soggy morning at the dump to unload yard waste.
  10. I’m confused. What’s the big deal with a spiking positive AO in November? It seems to me that it would be a waste if the AO was to dive negative in mid November when our climatology says we don’t get snow. We never do wall to wall winter, so I’d rather it be bad in November and recover for our Christmas blizzard. . edited to note beaten to the punch.
  11. I worked in the yard for three hours today so I went straight to a Manhattan.
  12. Absolutely a loss for the community, but I have to think that Scott, the owner, will rebuild. I hope so anyway.
  13. Our local watering hole, Jillys, was just destroyed by fire. It was a two story business.
  14. I spent an hour cleaning pumpkin vines and dead tomato plants from the garden. 60 minutes of work for a 60 minute Dogfish Head.
  15. If my photos are too large to post and I can’t edit them easily, I email them to myself and then I’m given the choice of small, medium, etc. Medium works well for me. I’m jealous and looking forward to seeing the pics.
  16. Titans making it a game. Yeah, man. Nice spot.
  17. Long story but my brother went to Gettysburg college and he and his then roommate had a weird experience near Devils Den. Last night was the 40th anniversary so we had to give it a shot! My brother and his old roommate went last night too. Lots of fun, but no ghosts. Also, I can’t take credit for the photo. The old roommate took it.
  18. Gettysburg battle field last night at about 11PM.
  19. That looks really good. Black Flag brews great beers.
  20. Definitely chilly. We were in Gettysburg last night hiking the battlefields for ghosts and stopped now at your local watering hole, Brewery Fire.
  21. Cool! I just checked the 506 NFL maps and Baltimore and the eastern shore has the Denver game tomorrow. We got lucky because most of the area has the NE / SF game. https://506sports.com/nfl.php?yr=2020&wk=7
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