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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. I was in PG county back then. Hampton Mall was our arcade of the hood, unless I wanted to drive out 450 to the place across the street from Melvin’s Motors in Bowie.
  2. https://en-gb.topographic-map.com/maps/lpps/Baltimore/
  3. I’m hoping to break 5”, and I’ll be disappointed if I don’t. I think most areas well west of the bay will ultimately score over 5” as a result of the modeled backside, but it kind of sucks to depend on that. Yeah, Pikesville is pretty much at the highest elevation of the beltway at just over 500’. I’m at about 490’, and it definitely helps, but I still mix with sleet at times. Maybe because I’m so close to the city.
  4. http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/current/mcview.phtml?prod=usrad&java=script&mode=archive&frames=70&interval=30&year=2009&month=12&day=18&hour=7&minute=0
  5. Smith’s leg is crampy and achy. I’m not sure he won’t be back in after that last Haskins’ pass.
  6. Banter, but I was just up in Shrewsbury yesterday. We took @mappy’s advice and hit some tree farms up there, but nothing much left in the cut your own lots, so went across the PA line. Not much luck there either. We ended up getting our tree at a local tree farm called Lowe’s. Fun drive though.
  7. If it’s not a secret, what area did he move to? I hope it’s a snowy locale.
  8. Be a weenie, bro. The Golden Shovel is getting claimed this week.
  9. Silly to analyze it but it is a relief that the 18z nam just about doubles my snow total in the extra 6 hours from where 12z left off. CCB for the win.
  10. Your maps are always terrific. I never thought the My Little Pony color scheme was to my liking, but I was wrong.
  11. Thanks. I know that you’re a whiskey girl, so we’d get along fine.
  12. I’m not being a weenie, and I said this last week, but this pattern reminds me so much of December 2009. The grass was soggy and green when we got that first storm. eta This post reads like a Farmers Almanac weather folklore.
  13. Anyone have suggestions as to finding a frasier fir tree farm in the northern tier?
  14. I’m blind too. Prescription contacts and bifocals. Thanks for giving me a reason for why I suck. Alcohol as an excuse gets old.
  15. When the reaper says, “Good luck,” is anyone else wondering his motive?
  16. You can color me skeptical. I love what I’m seeing, but until the weekend front and Mondays storm passes, I’m laying low. But that’s me in general.
  17. Just so you know, I’m still thrilled with the roof. When the virus has died down, I’d enjoy having the gangster pool players over for a lesson in humility, including you, @losetoa6, and @ravensrule. I seem to recall a conversation where you and RR played at that serious place a few blocks from here. Unfortunately, here we play for nickels. And free beer.
  18. Last week, I mad plans to be sitting at Falling Branch Brewery in northern Baltimore county early Wednesday afternoon. Snow falling would be a gigantic bonus.
  19. I recall your father being as cool as a cucumber.
  20. My truck is ready. Now I need a ride home.
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