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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Weenie radar isn’t even close with the rain snow line.
  2. My gf just bought me Radar Scope for Christmas. She doesn’t know it yet, but this is what happens when you leave your credit card lying around.
  3. I remember events from when I was a kid, but nothing now.
  4. I want to hear how that turns out! Please keep us posted.
  5. Damn. At first glance, I thought that said checkout roach. Ugh. I hate roaches.
  6. I like seeing Wes lurking in the med/long range thread.
  7. I think @CAPE said it well when he said be patient and let the pattern develop. Things may look different and hopefully better early next week.
  8. Montez has zero nfl experience but film of him running looks good. Seems odd that Rivera had both Heinicke and Montez available last week. It would be fun to see each play a half ala Kilmer and Jurgenson in the early 70’s!
  9. The only good thing about not getting snow is watching Ji meltdown.
  10. Heinicke and Montez backup. I’d rather see either of them play over Haskins anyway.
  11. What a fantastic movie! Oh, and by the way, for all the WFT fans, the rumors are apparently true and Haskins did put himself, and probably his teammates, in jeopardy by being a dumb ass the other night. He should be suspended by the league for breaking covid protocol, and hopefully has donned the burgundy and gold for the last time. Let’s just hope no one on the team gets covid heading into this week’s game.
  12. I need to get down to the brewery and get some of that gingerbread Stout.
  13. Has anyone heard anything about this? Unfortunately I have to work today and can’t confirm it! If that’s Haskins, then yesterday would be the last time he wears a burgundy’s and gold #7 jersey.
  14. Yeah, like I said, I knew you knew!
  15. Lol. True, but the difference is that I can’t jelly my ... Oh, never mind.
  16. And do you know the difference between jam and jelly?
  17. I don’t need to tell you this, but that’s already been happening. It might surprise some to learn that although this is the “shortest” day of the year, the sunsets have been getting later for about the past two weeks. But that has been offset by the sunrises which have also been getting later. Sunrises continue to get later and later until early January (perihelion), but after today, the difference in sunrise times is no longer at a bigger difference than sunset times. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/12/the-astronomical-hijinks-of-the-shortest-day-of-the-year/282109/
  18. And then they beat Brady in the snow at home.
  19. Thankfully it’s not on here. Would love to see Montez play!
  20. Full coverage here as well. Yesterday we drove out to Gettysburg via Liberty Rd (route 26) and the hardest hit area was in Carroll county approaching Ridge Rd (route 27). There was freezing rain and then snow still on the trees three days after the storm in those areas which is pretty darn good for December. Stopped by the covered bridges while we were out there.
  21. As Morrissey has said, some Nina’s are bigger than others.
  22. February 2006 was awesome. Just snowed and snowed.
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