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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. The gfs and the para looked different on all runs leading up to this point with the para being the best for most of us, but they don't look to be that far apart anymore. Thursday is still a storm and four days away, so I'll keep watching but the para is definitely more in line with the other more south models.
  2. There's a guy I know that can put you out of any winter misery.
  3. If the para is becoming the new gfs in a month, I am putting my stock in it. This is just Thursday.
  4. Green Bay’s forecast is for snow until 3pm tomorrow with a kickoff of 2pm local time. They have a heated field so it shouldn’t be a big deal, but hopefully the snow hangs around for the first half.
  5. Don’t you hate it when the homeowner hovers over you while you’re working?
  6. It’s pretty crazy how fast time passes. Back in 1970, our hood didn’t have them real bad maybe because the development had only been built a few years before, but the woods down by the lagoons were full of them. I also clearly remember them at Holy Family church. There were deep piles of them in the doorways and the old working water pump was covered with their carcasses. Maybe you had a lot of them from the farm and field next door to your house, but up the street from you was pretty tame.
  7. I remember all the 17 year cicadas starting with the one in 1970. I was only a kid but I did the math and hoped that I'd see them six times in my lifetime. This will be number 4 already. Ugh!
  8. That's my corner in the backyard that gets all day sun. It's also the same spot where a family of mom and her kittens have taken up residence the past two weeks. I can't find anyone to come out and catch them! Three kittens on the right and lots of daffodils to the left under the Hawthorn tree.
  9. The bozo is pretty funny only because I bought one last spring as a joke. It was just before where I work closed because of the pandemic, and someone kept messing with and breaking the copy machine. As a result, our administration sent out an all-call email chastising whoever was doing it. I did a reply all email with this picture and caption. Best $20 I ever spent. ”I don’t like ratting people out, but I saw this bozo doing surgery to the copy machine yesterday.”
  10. Hot Wheels and playing topsies and farthies with baseball cards that would be worth a fortune today. edited for spelling. https://www.uticaod.com/article/20160518/NEWS/160519437
  11. I’ve used Spirograph in my intro to geometry classes. It’s still cool.
  12. Try emailing the photo to yourself. Small or medium if given the choice. Then copy and paste.
  13. Mask and bundle up and sit outside!
  14. I don’t think it’s fair to judge a quarterback that has little passing support. A banged up offensive line and 175 lb wide receiver that avoids contact (and should because he’s made of glass) isn’t a strong supporting cast. Without him, they are not even in the playoffs.
  15. I don’t think he’s a great quarterback, but Lamar is mostly guilty of simply trying to do too much. But if he didn’t, I’m not sure the Ravens would be in the divisional playoffs.
  16. For a guy that hasn’t had much support other than a backfield, he’s led the team to two seasons that are more than acceptable.
  17. 7 minute drive ends in -7 points. Not good.
  18. The wind may have gotten that last long pass too. Thankfully. Lets see if things change when they flip the field.
  19. Man, that’s a pretty car. It looks fake, almost like a model.
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