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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. That’s a good area for in the burbs. Kind of the southern tip of Parr’s Ridge. It only gets better as you drive north an 32. It’s been snowing great here all morning but my temps have sucked. Interesting seeing the streets caving in photos well south but nothing but wet here. No complaints though.
  2. @North Balti Zen, there’s a good band to our southwest. We should be fine. Back to moderate snow here up the hill from you.
  3. Had a little lull here to lighter snow and smaller flakes, but picking back up again. I’m hoping the models didn’t have the banding exactly right last night because I think we were in no man’s land.
  4. Hopefully you get a good snow in the upcoming pattern. I always enjoy traveling the eastern shore in the snow. And damn! Came out on the porch and everything non-pavement is covered. Coming down good!
  5. Current RadarScope depiction. Also, anyone want to share what setting they use with RadarScope. Composite? Tilt? By the way, the r/s line is still moving southeast.
  6. I’m making chili this afternoon for the game and it’s taking all of my energy not to open this bag of Fritos to go with my coffee.
  7. You’re such a non-weenie. Large, puffy snow tv here. Weenie hoping for a deluge.
  8. You’re cuddling with Ji this morning and not your Sykesville honey?
  9. Just came out of the grocery store and all snow.
  10. Out on the front porch with coffee and mostly rain but it’s mixing. I can see splatters hitting the windshield of my truck. Eta that damn! I’d take that new snow map in a second!
  11. Started as light rain here but the r/s line is moving southeast pretty quickly. It’ll be interesting to see where it ultimately sets up.
  12. I’m still not bored with my Manhattans, but I need to order some Luxardo cherries.
  13. I’m going to go into double digits for the season tomorrow. That’s a win.
  14. 38 and steadily dropping.. I’ll be happy just seeing snow falling.
  15. I stepped inside for a minute to read the storm thread. Some quality in there this afternoon. I think I’ll go back out and continue working in the garage.
  16. Dude. You’ll be down in the area for work anyway, so root for it here so we can have a beer and you can lose at pool.
  17. I guess I need a weenie badge? But, come on, it's the icon. I am not a model-basher but it's almost like we have too much information to pore over, and a lot of it isn't that reliable. Maybe it ends up north of us, but I don't think it'll be because the icon is on to something.
  18. I don't know but I wouldn't get too concerned over a nam run. The euro looks good and the gfs has been fairly steady so I am not concerned.
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