It was Spades night and here’s the shared beers list. The one on the right, Nepenthe’s current version of Aphotic Ruin is outstanding for the stout fans.
I think mdot uses something with glyphosate herbicide in it. It seems very effective. You can get it from good mail order places. If you call them, they may even have a good recipe for getting rid of bamboo specifically.
I will try to find the place I got my stuff from to kill my invasive Bermuda grass.
My only comment on the discussion I missed is that it’s kind of funny that the Os attendance kind of started the whole thing and they only get 5k fans a night in April and May. That’s a little more than 10% capacity.
Enjoying a Georgia Ave Peach Sour in the sun.
Hogan said 50% for now, which from what I can tell is the second highest in the league. Of course, for the O's, other than opening day, 50% is more than enough to cover the expected attendance.
I told my friend, “Anyone that’s every exclaimed in early spring, “What a great day!,” has never ridden into a March headwind.”
Regardless, I’m looking forward to the rest of the week and watching Denver’s snowstorm from afar,