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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. I’ve been living under a rock for so long.
  2. You should be tired from putting up the good fight today. I did an easy bike ride, worked in the yard for a few hours, a trip to the dump, and then my gf treated me to a lobster roll at a new place in Stevenson on the way home. Having a little white wine with the seafood.
  3. Uh, oh. Here they come! This is from my brother in Olney this morning. eta that he also said that this ground was under an upside down wheel barrow all winter, so probably why it’s a little early. Poor dude. 17 years of waiting and no one else to party with.
  4. I’d rather watch spinning cyclones than listen to people squabble over cloth.
  5. I’ve been there a couple of times. Nice spot. @Scraff is their distributor.
  6. Copper Fox Distillery in Sperryville is a must. There’s a brewery in the basement of a B & B called Hopkins that’s decent, and a couple others I haven’t been to (Pen Druid and Hawksbill). There are also some vineyards in the area around Old Rag that are nice if you end up hiking that way. I’m heading down that way next week so if I check out Pen Druid or Hawksbill, I’ll let you know.
  7. Yes, I looked it up and it’s treated as a runner reached on an error, but it does hurt the won lost record though. I like your idea better than the immediate runner on second.
  8. Banter for sure, but this is some serious sh$t.
  9. Since it’s an average per inning, it won’t make a difference. However, your question made me wonder about extra inning games. They now start a runner on second base so I’m wondering if that runner scores, is it counted against a pitcher’s era. Had the pitcher come into the game with a runner on second, it would have been the previous pitcher’s run, right? And what about taking a loss in extras? That’s some bs too.
  10. I posted this a few days ago, but for those trying to find specific vaccines, this site is pretty neat.
  11. My semolina flour experiment in our pizza was okay, but we like ny style the best so I’ll try to find some of that GM stuff.Thanks!
  12. Yeah, the 2038 brood will come from eggs laid on existing trees. Not surprising that there aren't any near the house.
  13. Picked up nearly .75” the last couple of days, but the clouds are breaking up quickly now up here. It should be a great Sunday Funday.
  14. I just read an article about a guy that developed a website for finding vaccination appointments nationally. I think appointments are plentiful in our area these days but this is a great tool for finding an appointment near you and for a specific vaccine or dose. It’s also just pretty darn cool. https://www.vaccinespotter.org/
  15. Home made sauce. Rolling out the dough. Lining the pizza pan. Precooking for a crispy crust.and adding the sauce. First pizza out of the oven!
  16. I just got a text from a buddy of mine that drove up to the Pittsburgh area this weekend to visit family. He figured what the heck, went into a walk-in clinic and got a J&J shot just like that. He's psyched. His appointment down here wasn't for another week.
  17. There’s a reason I use ignore. Glad to hear that you got to Dogfish!
  18. This thread and @wxtrix inspired me to make some homemade pizza dough for tonight (and extra for the week).Trying something different and went with a 1:2 mix of semolina and all-purpose flour. I need to run to the store to get a few things for the sauce and toppings, but my gf is cooking up bacon from Treuth’s butcher shop in Oella that’ll definitely be included.
  19. I got my second Pfizer shot at 4PM on a Friday and was feeling pretty crappy by noon Saturday. I had a fever and chills all afternoon with a headache, but felt fine by Sunday. Pretty crazy how fast the whole process happens.
  20. Good luck! Don’t forget to get the shot in your non-drinking arm.
  21. Man, that looks tasty. I’ll bet it’s out of this world dipped in some seasoned olive oil.
  22. You just reminded me that Nepenthe in Hampden just released a new west coast ipa. I haven’t had it yet, but with all the hazys out there these days, it’s nice to have a west coast choice. Their last one was really good. I’m a little partial to their products because I work there (well, will again as they slowly reopen), but they make good stuff.
  23. I agree with the Black Flag recommendation. Their beers are pretty good. I like Crooked Crab too, though I wish both had better outdoor locations. Covid has me hooked on living outdoors so I hope it’s a trend that continues even after we come out of this.
  24. Whiskey is the official alcohol of covid vaccinations.
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