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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. We were both racing back then and on a training ride. Heading up a hill and he was breathing hard and *snap* straight down his gullet. He was off his bike in a hurry and tried choking it up but it was gone. Pretty awesome. Also, I don’t think the brood X’s are that big. I mean they’re big, but not huge,
  2. You’d know better than me because I wasn’t in this immediate area in ‘87. I was in Burtonsville and it was worse here in ‘04 than there in ‘87, though I remember in ‘87 that during a bike ride, a friend of mine inadvertently swallowed one. What a great ride that was. I almost fell off my bike laughing at him.
  3. I just went out and surveyed the yard and saw no sign of them here yet. They were really bad in 2004 so I’m sure it’s just a few days away.
  4. I’ve been holding off on everything. I’m shooting for this Thursday.
  5. I’ve had 1.25” for May so far in my backyard, and I’m enjoying the cooler weather if for no other reason to hopefully delay the cicadas until after the Preakness. Though it would be a hoot to see them swarming at Pimlico.
  6. Thick, pasty, globules on our slider during the heaviest part of the storm. This is all I managed to capture.
  7. Yeah, between my fear of Trader Joe’s and falling rockets, I’m not leaving the house today.
  8. Pouring here, but it’s nice not wasting a sunny weekend day because I will be hunkered and masked in my basement rationing out tuna cans anyway.
  9. The arrogance of him knowing how I, or anyone else lives their life is annoying.
  10. It’s pretty narrow-minded how easily you put everyone into one of two categories. It’s either your way or the wrong way. I have no problem with how people are handling covid except for the dipshits that see only their way as the way. What do you care if people want to wear a mask? It has no impact on you.
  11. Lol. Just when I think you may not be a douche, you be a douche.
  12. You’d love their outdoor space. Let me know when you go over. I’d enjoy meeting up. Meanwhile, I’m down at the Belgian Hall in Hampden. This is incredible.
  13. I wonder if the data can be cherry-picked from a model run from numerical or pivotal then put into a spreadsheet. I’m being naive. Probably not that simple.
  14. One of my favorite sites is going under. http://wxweb.meteostar.com/sample/sample.shtml?text=Kbwi
  15. Black Flag is worth a trip. No outdoor area or great taproom but their beers are really good. eta that the taproom is fine. I just meant that it’s pretty generic. The beers are why you go.
  16. Wow!! I wanted to say something but, well, you all get it.
  17. Cushwa is up among my favorite beers these days. Dense Fog is solid.
  18. Relieved to see .34" in the gauge this morning.
  19. That cell just passing @Mrs.J’s area looking healthy.
  20. Good for you. I’m heading up tomorrow for the business person’s special.
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