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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. If the Bruins score again soon, wouldn’t surprise me to see Anderson take a seat.
  2. Yeah, my yard is relatively quiet still, but the tree directly across the street is teeming with them. The ground is starting to take on that “it’s moving” look.
  3. @North Balti Zen Big time happening here.
  4. My gf and I are splitting a classic right now. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.
  5. I’m really hoping to get under on of those cells and jackpot before this week’s heat.
  6. Someone just made my ignore list.
  7. Happy Preakness Day Baltimore peeps! Giddy up!
  8. I’ll bet I see a lot this evening. I’m ready!
  9. The gas line fire near here is crazy. How can something like that continue for over 90 minutes? I would have thought there would be a way to shut that off quickly.
  10. I was in the yard all day and still nada. Okay with me. I want one more weekend without them.
  11. So maybe I’ll have to take off work on Friday and come up Thursday evening! How late are you open on Thursdays?
  12. Exactly my thoughts. Bu the way, I’m pretty sure I’ll be backpacking in the Sods next weekend. Hoping to stop in to the taproom and even more hopeful that I might get to purchase some of the bread and or pizza you’ve been making. Are the hours on the website accurate? I’m not on Facebook.
  13. Like others have said, this spring has been fine temperature-wise, but the wind has been cruddy.
  14. I hope that you’re right. Some people will simply not want to get vaccinated and that’s their business, but once the emergency is lifted, I hope that those that are worried about it, will get it. But who knows. It would be pretty ironic to find out in a year that my third useless eye is a result of the vaccine.
  15. I don’t think a broad statement like that is accurate. There are plenty of folks not getting vaccinated that haven’t gotten covid. My dad, for example, is against the vaccine and though he’s (thankfully) not contracted the virus, I don’t think he feels like he needs to do his part of anything. As a side note, I don’t begrudge anyone for not getting vaccinated. For my dad’s argument that it was rushed and he feels like it’s a risk, I respect that. But he is going to have to respect my choice of not seeing him because I don’t want to risk him getting covid. Even though I’m vaccinated, as we all know, I can still be asymptomatic. The vaccine isn’t just to prevent contracting the virus, it’s also for mitigating the severity if you do get it.
  16. Expected low tonight here of 50 so I might plant today. I have some beans coming up from last years pods that fell on the ground, so I think I’ll be okay.
  17. Living in a very populated area is why I haven’t had a problem wearing a mask. I don’t like it any more than the next person, but it’s been a necessary deterrent to the virus.
  18. I never see them until late May at the earliest. And another walk around the kingdom this evening gave no sign of the cicadas either.
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