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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. That's pretty incredible. Toward the end, it looks like the tornado is flipping the neighborhood the bird.
  2. Hopefully soon, but one thing for sure, it won’t be at @WxUSAF’s house.
  3. I was going to say something about having heard that an ac shouldn’t need a charge, but an ac person knows more than this clueless guy. That sucks.
  4. Loudest and busiest day here. I drove the western side of the beltway earlier today and my windshield will have to be scrubbed before tomorrow morning’s commute.
  5. It’s a sauna outside. I cut the grass and I’m soaked. Those dews haven’t done crap to the surface.
  6. Found the cause of the power outage here. One of my jungle yard neighbor’s tree went down and took the lines with it. Four BGE crews are on it.
  7. I took it for a similar length of time. I recall them saying that’s not something you want to suddenly quit taking. But, man, if you have any aches, joints swelling, etc, that stuff makes you feel like a million bucks. But it made me really hungry. edit: what @Bodhi Cove said.
  8. I’ve heard amoxicillin is a strong one and can cause issues. I’ve taken prednisone for poison ivy and I never got so many chores done. That stuff is fantastic except for the weight gain if you’re not careful.
  9. Man, this went downhill fast.
  10. @WxUSAF I’ve got a few feral cats living in the backyard that I’d be happy to drop off for you. They’d take care of the moles in a few days. Right now, this one is picking cicadas off the tree for dinner.
  11. I love when the power goes out. It’s so calm and peaceful. I open the windows after the storm has passed and get that cool air into the house, and all I hear are the six generators from all my neighbor’s yards, and all the horns on Reisterstown Rd because the traffic signals are out. So blissful.
  12. What @CAPE said, and try wrigleys spearmint gum too. I had a mole problem and used gum and smoke bombs to get rid of them.
  13. The first round delivered the goods here. Even got a little hail, and now it looks like north of here is tornado warned. Also, I’ve lost power.
  14. Surprised to find .17” in the gauge this morning.
  15. Hopefully not Odette or Ida. (anyone see what I did there?)
  16. I was just goofing around looking at Accuweather's monthly forecast for my area, and after a high of 90 and 92 this Sunday and Monday, there is exactly one more day of 90+ forecasted through the end of August. So three days of 90+ days for all of June, July, and August. Two coming up, one in July, and none in August. I'll take the over. If anyone else is bored... https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/pikesville/21208/june-weather/2090020?year=2021
  17. I’m heading to the game today in the hopes of starting a new streak.
  18. 46 so far for the low this morning, which is pretty impressive. 1.97” of rain for the weekend and 4.49” for the month of May. The lawn has been salvaged for at least another few weeks, but the garden needs some sun and warmth.
  19. I was wondering when they’d reopen!
  20. I’d get so much more action if my mate couldn’t see me during the act.
  21. It’s a good day for hunkering inside. You’ll feel better tomorrow.
  22. 1.85” since it started last evening, 3” for the week, and 4.37” for May.
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