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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Man, that early season heat out west is brutal. I can’t imagine the fire season they may have this year.
  2. That’s awesome! I’m sure that you’ll keep yourself busy.
  3. Yum. Thank god you’re back @Mrs.J. I’ve been withering away to nothing in your absence.
  4. @EastCoast NPZ's graph showing the annual mid-spring deluge.
  5. Sine and cosine equations and graphs are the absolute best for teaching transformations.
  6. I've made a couple of adjustments based on memory of your past posts.
  7. Last day of school and I'm pretty bored, so here's @CAPE's bog graphed for the year. m = 0 is New Year's Day. y = 0 is ground level, and y = -0.6 is average water table.
  8. We got a new roof too. It was about the only thing on our house that looked good. Looking back, I feel bad for our neighbors having to look at our beaten down house and weed-filled yard every day.
  9. I picked up .62" from a storm last night and feel pretty fortunate. Looking at the CoCoRaHS map, there are some pretty meager totals just north of me. I've had about 5.3" for June so no complaints.
  10. David Byrne says you’re cursed.
  11. Brightening up a bit here, and the cicadas are starting to chirp, so maybe this afternoon still clears.
  12. Another 1.89” yesterday, and 3.72” since Wednesday.
  13. For all the euro bashing, it seems to be all coming together. I'm sorry for the southern flooding but really glad that boundary isn't over me.
  14. Or it just needs to dry out. It may not be bad. My advice is to try to enjoy the drink @North Balti Zen and let it sit til tomorrow. Trying to self-diagnose will have you tossing and turning.
  15. Your hood can’t catch a break lately. Give them some neighborly advice and NOT call BGE Home. Eyeballing the gauge here and looks like nearly two inches.
  16. I leave about 4 or 5” around a plant free of grass clippings. I’m not sure if it’s nitrogen but piling up grass around the garden plants too close to the stem has caused yellowing. Leaving space prevents it.
  17. I've done that for years. And in the fall, I put down a 3 to 4 foot blanket of leaves from the yard that settles into a thin spongy mat by springtime. If I need to, in the spring I mulch any left over big leaves with the mower and then start the process all over again with the grass clippings. And I never till.
  18. I’m getting some rain here at home but nothing more than couple hundredths. At least so far.
  19. Besides being very good, Mare of Easttown only has 7 episodes so you're not tied down forever.
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