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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Nah. Everyone has an opinion, and having played the game at a high level like you did, you’re allowed to be turned off by it.
  2. I’m with @H2O on this one. Football games and the negative atmosphere from some fan behavior has turned me off from going to games (not to mention the cost). But I love getting a good seat and watching baseball. For me, football is fine on tv, but baseball is way better in person. I just wish the O’s would make an effort to be more fan-friendly. As bad as their record is, and as hopeless as this season is, I’d still go to games if it was affordable. No outside food or drink and ridiculous ticket costs keep me from being a regular.
  3. Beautiful day along the Potomac.
  4. Good for you. I wish I could say that but I still waste a lot of time watching.
  5. Scroll down the tweet to see my favorite part. It’s where Girardi gets tossed and one of the Nats coaches is laughing and yelling, “Hold me back.” eta Look for the video “Scherzer wants all the smoke…”
  6. Higher mowing should definitely help. I might be reaching for optimism, but the stretch next week looks to me like scattered afternoon thunderstorms will be possible each day.
  7. Not enough likes for a morning like this. .25” yesterday over .80” for the two days. Oops. Over .60” for two days.
  8. It’s a shame that there isn’t something that can regulate itself and turn off (or on) when the temperature reaches a set point. We should work on inventing something like that.
  9. Mostly, yes, but I distinctly remember a particularly bad PA driver!
  10. Slow lane is meh. Yesterday we saw people doing it in all lanes and even changing lanes without turn signals. Even worse we’re the folks that had their emergency flashers on but not their headlights or taillights.
  11. .41” from the evening storm and light showers now. Good day for a book.
  12. No kids, but I remember being a paperboy and riding my bike by the community pool early weekend mornings in the summer thinking, “What the heck is everyone doing there so early?”
  13. When did it become in vogue to put on your flashers in a thunderstorm or heavy rain? If you don’t want to or can’t drive in the rain, get off the road. But putting your flashers on and driving in the left lane super slow is idiotic.
  14. Got this shot in the car driving up 340 towards Frederick.
  15. Drunks hunkering down. Well, all but one. and pouring!
  16. So right! But could care less. Outflow is here and cooling down fast. And a cold Lazy River beer to drink.
  17. A perfect day for tubing on the Shenandoah River and now hearing thunder at Harpers Ferry Brewery.
  18. I think that some hydrangeas don’t need to be cut back, but every once in a while they should be split in the fall. I never cut mine back (endless summer variety). Also, you can change the color from blue to pink by changing the pH. Blue is acidic soil and pink is neutral to alkaline.
  19. The best time to handle crabgrass is in early spring with a preemergent. Look for something that says crabgrass control. If you want to do an early fertilizer application, they make products that come in tandem like this. This far into the season, the best way to handle crabgrass is by spraying. If you have a lot of it, a tank sprayer and concentrate is the easiest and by far, cheapest. Otherwise just a premixed container. The ones I linked are just examples. You may want to read the reviews to see which brands get the best results on crabgrass. Edit to add that like I said, crabgrass is easy to control in early spring, and after re-reading your post, it sounds like you’ve got a lot of it now so you may want to go with something like this for the rest of this season. Especially if you don’t already have a tank sprayer.
  20. Cheap frog. I’ll be getting better soft bait for the next time. I had some nIce strikes but couldn’t get them hooked.
  21. No way! My birch is just beginning to show the flagging damage, and I need to see the closeup shots of the eggs hatching and the next generation going underground in July.
  22. My gf and I took the canoe over to Mariner Point Park yesterday to try to catch our first snakeheads. I caught a good one only to lose it when he tore his lip getting into the canoe. edit: next time remember the net.
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