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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Sounds good! The one thing I would be careful of is in the vegetable garden. Fresh wood chips can screw up nitrogen levels. Do a quick search to check to be sure it’s okay.
  2. Caps wins and Ovi goal! Good night for the local teams.
  3. Between the Terps and Caps, it should be an exciting month.
  4. I don’t have a big space, but have so much to do in the yard. I want to take some small trees down before they leaf out, take down some really oversized leylands, and remove/replace the front gardens. Looking forward to the longer evenings after the time change to get started.
  5. I wish he could have taken advantage of the @yoda debacle yesterday and scored! Also, Falling Branch Stout Fest is really good!
  6. And if they’re big stones, a landscape company might take them off your hands.
  7. I’m retiring in June so if anyone chases next year and doesn’t mind whiskey, keep me in the loop!
  8. I don’t want to know what everyone’s political position is here. I already get annoyed enough with the warmnistas.
  9. What a Scrooge! I teach in a portable. When it starts snowing, we go outside!
  10. Is this about the time that the coastal starts forming and then makes a beeline up the coast to surprise us? http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/current/mcview.phtml?prod=usrad&java=script&mode=archive&frames=70&interval=30&year=2000&month=1&day=24&hour=12&minute=0
  11. Just as I thought. After the gfs, they'll go straight to warnings.
  12. So, I guess LWX is holding off the WWA's for the norther counties in case they go straight to Warnings.
  13. I am not ashamed to admit that I’m at the table.
  14. Do you know if they weight any members more than others or are they equally distributed?
  15. I think it’s safe to say that anyone in this forum knows that snow is fickle and appreciates anything they get. Ji being one of the exceptions, of course. Regardless, I do read your thread and am always happy when that area gets big snow. It’s exceptionally pretty on the bays and creeks.
  16. 18.7” that winter, so it was close.
  17. I’m always hopeful. Even in this non event I’m secretly hoping for the jubilation when the entire region goes from no advisories to warnings in the snap of a finger.
  18. That’s double our 14” around here that winter. I’m surprised no one here has mentioned the north of I-70 snow drought.
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