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nw baltimore wx

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About nw baltimore wx

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    Pikesville, MD

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  1. 12/24 Mulch-topper 1/3 Another mulch-topper 1/6 6.0" 1/11 1.8” 1/19 1.0” Season: 8.8”
  2. The precip just to the southwest of DC is what I've got my eye on.
  3. The roads may be a problem later. Rain and snow melt washing away salt and then a quick drop to below freezing could make for an icy mess around sunset.
  4. I can't think of a snow situation but I remember it happening several times in previous winters when people would get crazy before cold fronts. Especially midnight daily high temperatures.
  5. All those worried about rising temps should know this happens all the time here. "A "temperature spike" just before a cold front occurs because the warm air mass ahead of the front is pushed upwards and compressed slightly as the colder air mass approaches, causing a temporary rise in temperature, often referred to as a "thermal ridge" by meteorologists; essentially, the air warms slightly due to compression as the cold front moves in."
  6. Pre frontal warm surge. edt: why does that read so creepy?
  7. Very light snow here. No mix. Not what I expected from reading other's obs, but it must bode well that even in light returns it's all snow.
  8. Very light mix here and the temp has fallen a degree or so in the last hour. 35.
  9. I never bet but I opened a Draft King account a year or so ago for the free bets. They are like Joe Camel and give you $25 free or something like that. Anyway, I lost interest real quick but went in the app yesterday just to see the odds for a Washington Super Bowl win. I had the free money still there so put $20 on winning it all at 25:1. They’re now down to 6:1. Go Commodes!!!
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