Is the cold front coming through there yet? Hopefully that gets things going with some snow showers. I actually received very little precip today, but I just don't like temp spikes. Drip drip drip drives me nuts.
The 6" pack here is super dense with a layer of thick ice at the bottom. The temps the next few days should really lock it in.
Barring any Grinch 2.0 stuff, this should be the base going forward. Now just need 3 feet on top of it.
Temp up to 29. When is this piece of garbage getting out of here? It obviously isn’t doing anything good for anyone and already overstayed it’s welcome.
The craziest part is the the ski patrol guys nonchalantly standing around chatting while that poor dude is blasted with icy water and then appears to be a frozen corpse hanging half off the chair for several minutes. No one seems to too concerned.
Hard to see how the lift could have injured him if everyone else was fine.
Been a lot of college and HS-aged yahoos at the ski places the last several days. I assume the snow in Southie got them all fired up to hit the slopes.
I would rule out hormonal dumb young adult syndrome first before I blame the lift.