Things are wrapping up, down to lighter stuff with the sun poking out.
I will call it a foot for phase 1. We will see what the upslope does later. That is usually 2" up to 4" if it pans out well.
Kinda interesting to hear people talking about the wind. Nearly dead calm here. BW is closed today due to 70+ gusts on the summit.
Always neat to see these microclimate differences around here.
Must be 6-7 in Randolph because there is the local plow guy right on schedule. He comes out at 6 inches.
I think a foot is still a reasonable call here. The radar doesn't look all that hot to me for any 15-18" stuff.
Looks like you held on to some decent snow after all. The 3 inches that fell in MD last night were totally obliterated by 5 hours of heavy 38 degree rain.
Hopefully. Many ways to get screwed down that way based on what he has posted the last couple seasons but this seems like a lock setup assuming the mix is staying away.