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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. GFS looks fine for the 24th to me? I don’t get the wailing and gnashing of teeth at this range.
  2. One of these will start looking good and then screw a bunch of us 48 hours out.
  3. These are good pics. I tried to explain to my MIL from MD why I leave packed snow on the driveway (down there you scrape all day to bare pavement after the storm and then the sun dries it out). I told her this is what it looks like under the snow on my driveway and I think she gets it now.
  4. Ah, the age old battle between the "I'm just trying to be realistic" pessimistic weenies and the "these threads are too cluttered" self-appointed board police. It's a classic!
  5. Unless one of these coastals the models are struggling to resolve works out, the next week looks fairly tame in terms of large systems, but cold. Several northern stream systems moving through to keep and bread and butter refreshers going, so there should be snow in the air frequently.
  6. LOL the Northern Greens ALWAYS catch up.
  7. LOL flipping UKMET maps on the iPhone while the cruiser radio is blaring calls for help across Brooklyn.
  8. How about it goes south of you and then curls around up through central Maine while bombing?
  9. Light snow, 31 degrees. My PWS may be pasted with snow, that happens sometimes in these events so that temp number may be suspect. I don't have any other way to check it right now.
  10. Light snow has resumed as we start the NW flow side of this event.
  11. Thinking 2-3 here which is very typical for this location. I could see 5 there. Like I said, you guys always catch up in the end.
  12. Yeah and then you can get to months of overcast and 50s. Good stuff.
  13. LOL just messing. We all know you have an electric brain and you see the world through a Terminator-like interface where you constantly calculate the best angles for kill shots and assess the threat level from grannies.
  14. Are you constantly calculating probabilities like a money ball guy?
  15. I’ll get him in late March and April when I get a blue bomb and the upslope there is rain showers.
  16. Thanks,was waiting for your update. I agree that the mythical giant rates for hours and hours didn’t materialize (like usually happens) so that kept this from being as big as it could have been. Still a foot of cement is awesome and just what was needed.
  17. Just when I had caught you in the snow power rankings too. gonna need a 2 footer here to seal this up.
  18. Temp back to 28, hit 31 briefly. Pretty sure my anemometer is plastered stuck so not sure what the winds are doing but doesn't look overly breezy. My spot really excels in these east flow somewhat marginal events. Reminded me of Dec 5th, Jan 17th, and 1/2 Feb last winter. Seems to be a common deal here.
  19. The are way more horrible models than the Euro. Many of them are posted here multiple times a day too. The Euro is one of the best. People can debate if there is a better model than it based on various criteria. It doesn’t matter. The Euro is a good model either way. The GFS has gotten better though and started to win some of the battles. It wasn’t that long ago where the Euro saying no pretty much meant no.
  20. DT always simply repeats what he just saw on the Euro op and acts like it is major insight.
  21. Yeah, I haven’t seen those guys in a while. About 16 or so birds in that flock that stroll all over the place out front there. They had been missing all fall and winter until today. Glad I saw them. They look fairly plump so things must be going well.
  22. 12" for the synoptic piece. We will see what NW flow does later.
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