Can we please just lock this shit in now so I can enjoy the next few nights of tracking worrying about banding and rates instead of worrying the entire storm will miss by 1,000 miles?
We are taxpaying weenies, and we deserve better.
That we as Americans have to cling to Canadian, German, Japanese, and now even French models to tell us how much snow for CT is a travesty!
These better runs tonight seem to have dropped the stalling BS and just drive this sucker north to north east. That's a better look for a region-wide MECS versus a HECS over a 20 square mile part of NJ or Eastern MA.
Careful, there are some here who would call you a mad fool for defending the CMC.
Not me, I like it more than the UKMET and ICON which seem terrible to me.
I think the cutter will get under northern NNE.
18z GFS showed this pretty well. The cutter is flattening out.
I could see a mixed mess deal with snow bookending it.
I can't get over the shift the CMC and UKMET made from 12z. Just a totally different look. Garbage to MECS without blinking an eye. These shifts are pretty wild.
In a way, I have to give the GFS credit for hanging tough even if it's wrong. These other models are just crazy.
Yeah, this may be The Return of the King deal here.
GFS looks like a pretender to the throne. Still has the same weak SE bias it always had with coastals.