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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. Just went through the latest runs back to 12z, and they almost all have me in the 6-10 range now. No whiffs. The Canadian models are lamest, a 4-6 deal. NAM is the best, 10-12 verbatim. Assuming rates are better than 10:1 here (a decent bet), this should be a good storm given the east flow which crushes IMBY. Hopefully the models juice up from here and don't pull the rug. I don't have any experience with storms that crush coastal Maine and mostly miss here, but so far in every event so far going back to last winter if heavy bands are rotating into the Portland area they tend to get here too eventually.
  2. Yeah the ensembles have looked a lot cooler and flatter for this than the ops.
  3. It's funny how there are certain locales that are always on the line on these maps no matter what kind of storm it is. Temp, trajectory, QPF... never matters. Always on the line. My place in MD is like that. I am frequently on 1, 2, or even 3 different Iines on DT maps. LOL
  4. Misses the pause and left hook into the GOM that really helps up totals for everyone outside the EMA zone. Still an OK run tho. There have been worse. LOL
  5. I am still holding at 6-10 here. It's usually pretty easy for me to pull 6" in an east flow scenario even if the storm is mostly a miss. Still time for shifts to give us more precip, but window is closed on major impacts here.
  6. Yes, E Mass is fine. Only question is 15 or 30, but the models have been locked on that area for days now. It's everyone else outside the bubble that are swinging wildly.
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