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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. It could be in NYC, we won’t know until we have serological data. Millions could have the disease already. I know most of you here seem to think that theory is bunk, but plenty of credentialed scientists believe it.
  2. One thing I’m glad he pointed out is that Lombardy is a total outlier. There are numerous stories from years past of the flu absolutely ravaging them in a very short amount of time and crushing their hospital system. No other country is having the same issues.
  3. Lockdowns implemented too late may not be all that helpful if the virus has already infected a critical mass of people.
  4. There is a theory that NYC closed too late and what we are seeing there is an unfettered burn-through basically. Hospitals there have not been overwhelmed to the point people can’t get care.
  5. It feels super raw right now, but in a few years we will look back on smoothed out annual and decadal death statistics and this will not even have budged the charts. Public health people and politicians need to think much bigger picture than death rates. Also, many of the deaths are in nursing homes. You can self isolate in your basement in a hazmat suit for years and not prevent that. This virus is going to kill people no matter what. Is 20k deaths way better than 30k somehow?
  6. Imagine getting personally pissed off at someone looking at optimistic and less-deadly end-game scenarios and data.
  7. Some serious doom porn fans in the weather community.
  8. Statistics is a tough subject, I get it.
  9. There are probably millions infected in this country. These daily counts remain meaningless.
  10. You clearly are super invested in the doom porn side of this. It’s pretty much your style with weather threats too. “Fringed” and all that.
  11. You guys were just blowing me up over saying IFR will be dramatically lower once we have better serological test results and it will change our policy towards this disease... "But it's a 9/11 every day!!"
  12. LOL at you of all people thinking I would answer any personal questions.
  13. This will be far deadlier than COVID-19 over time: https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/half-billion-people-could-be-pushed-poverty-coronavirus-warns-oxfam
  14. That’s what happens in a case like this. We all need to make decisions based on the available data and we all apply our biases to it. You clearly are far more personally terrified of this virus than I am, which is fine. But we need to get to a point where you can choose to stay home spritzing the house with bleach and I can choose to go out to work.
  15. It’s literally happening right on this page. Don’t worry, I understand the agenda and environment here.
  16. Or save granny to kill hundreds of thousands of children. I never took you as one to be hysterical over this stuff.
  17. OMG The flu kills middle aged people all the time. There is a good chance the flu is deadlier to those under 20 than this virus. The fact that the media has time to focus a story on every 30 year old who dies tells you how rare it is.
  18. Oh man with the permanent lung damage... the virus hasn’t been around long enough for us to run a real study on this and that should be apparent to anyone who can look at a calendar. Plus, regular pneumonia can already do this and we all don’t worry about it. Sorry I dared to question the narrative you had in your head about this virus being a deadly global killer of unprecedented proportions. Just ignore me and continue sheltering in your bunker.
  19. I think understanding overall risk by cohort is important. The risk to a healthy 20 year old is enormously lower than the risk to a fat 70 year old who already needed daily oxygen. It’s deceptive and dishonest to insinuate they have the same risk, but I see people try to do it all the time to stoke fear.
  20. Flu deaths and trauma deaths fell off the map.
  21. But, but, but... a new 9/11 every day! https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-children-un/u-n-warns-economic-downturn-could-kill-hundreds-of-thousands-of-children-in-2020-idUSKBN21Y2X7
  22. LOL aren’t you a scientist at NASA? The “daily 9/11s!” stuff is total crap, especially since deaths in other categories are way down since we all locked ourselves in.
  23. If they are under the age of 50 their risk is still pretty low, even if obese. People will need to be given the right to choose if they want to huddle in fear of the virus at home or resume some aspects of normal life knowing the risks. You make that call every day when you get in your car.
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