74/55 here now. Got up to about 80. Another pleasant day. Hiked part of the ice gulch trail this afternoon. Nice and cool but lots of bugs. Will try again Tuesday.
You guys can go to AmPol if you want to immerse yourselves in the vibe of the last few pages of the COVID thread. I haven't visited the site in a year so you won't see me there, but I'm sure they have a thread full of hot takes to peruse.
The town of Gorham canceled their fireworks "due to COVID." Pretty weird since no one in Gorham wears masks at the store and there are basically no cases here... makes no sense.
Yeah, I know the signs to look for when they are about to charge. I told my kids to not assume they are just big deer and will always run away. I had a small bear on the driveway a couple weeks ago, no moose sightings yet.
Yeah when I shut the slider on the deck I am thinking more about a bear or confused deer than a burglar. Plenty of stories of deer crashing into houses all bloody and jacked up and wrecking the place.
I have crank out windows and can't come up with an easy way to install an AC unit here.
It's also a log home and the heat just gets trapped in the arched log ceilings and I can't get it scoured out easily. It'll be great in the winter I'm sure.