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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. Good excuse to just stay at work, I guess. LOL
  2. Really hoping to see some snow in October, even if light and it melts fast. That's very rare where I'm from. It would be pretty neat.
  3. Yeah, seems like 11/2018 was pretty legendary. 49.7" at Randolph, with max depth of 28" Hope I get to see that again in November.
  4. I guess we know where @UMB WX stands on Epstein's rape island... gross.
  5. I am associating it with the global elite, who for sure are not attached to one party or the other. At that level the labeling between Democrat vs Republican melts away. That's just a fake distinction to keep us lowly types occupied and distracted. The elite are all about themselves and they are in perfect agreement on maintaining the status quo.
  6. Epstein was connected to all sorts of powerful figures and he literally had a jet called the "Lolita Express" that flew to a private child rape island everyone knew about for decades... but Time magazine said this is all a conspiracy theory by Trump people, so case closed I guess.
  7. Blanket labeling of any questioning as a "conspiracy theory" and discrediting those who question the status quo as "crazy" is an ancient propaganda technique used by authoritarian figures, just FYI... A few years ago, it was a "conspiracy theory" to believe that the government could force businesses to close and people to wear masks and stay indoors over a virus that is survivable by 99.7% of the population.
  8. Yeah, that stuff is clearly nuts. But I don't think it's nuts to say Hollywood and part of the elite establishment has an issue with pedophilia and child abuse/trafficking. I mean, we all know they do. It's been exposed. Epstein, Corey Feldman, Kevin Spacey, Prince Andrew... I don't think they drink blood, but some of them definitely traffic in little kids and it is covered up. That's no conspiracy theory, despite what Time or The Atlantic might say...
  9. Eh, if the conspiracy theory is directed at powerful media and political figures, I’m not going to just take their word for it that all is well/nothing to see here.
  10. That's what I mean when I say they snapped. I agree societal bonds have been in decline for a long time now, it's just that COVID and the social movement upheavals have pushed some people who were barely maintaining that veneer of basic human decency and rationality already to the breaking point.
  11. It's been a lot for people to process over the past several months, and certainly some people I know have clearly snapped to some extent. I think part of the issue is that some people did literally nothing but watch 24/7 cable news when quarantined, and it's like they are emerging from a brainwashing chamber from a sci-fi movie. The things they earnestly believe now are crazy.
  12. 48 for the low, sitting at 50 right now.
  13. Larry Cosgrove hasn't been accurate since the early 2000s, dude.
  14. It's nice having it dry when the weather is nice and warm. Only lawn fanatics and farmers are pissed off.
  15. There are many people across the country who are barely holding it together right now. The month of November is going to be absolutely wild. I don't want to be anywhere near a major city at that time.
  16. I plan to post a lot of pics this year for you guys.
  17. Humidity only 46 percent so not too bad. Shade cools you down just fine.
  18. I believe these guys also had a similar study that said protests are not a significant vector of spread. They have been taking fire on Twitter over perceived bias between the two studies. Usual stuff these days. LOL
  19. I just refuse to buy the (clearly politically slanted) notion that a biker rally is somehow fundamentally a much stronger vector for COVID spread than a packed rally/protest or the schools (especially colleges). I haven't looked closely at the study in question, but, scientifically speaking, it doesn't seem possible to be able to draw these kinds of conclusions this quickly given where most states are with their data.
  20. Given how bad the US is at contract tracing, color me skeptical at the veracity of this study.
  21. 78/61 in Randolph. Hopefully last two warmish days of the year coming now. Still nowhere near as horrid as the upper 80s and humid days from July.
  22. I'm kinda biased because one of my neighbors in MD is a total lawn Nazi freak. He mows constantly. It's impossible to sit outside on the 4 days a week he mows because his routine (use tractor, stop to clean the blade, mow some more, use pushmower, stop to clean the blade, mow some more, use weed whacker, use blower) goes from the early afternoon to late evening. It doesn't need to be done that often, he just has nothing else to do, I guess. It does look perfect, like a putting green. Not sure I see the point, seems like a huge waste of gas and precious life years, but whatever. Just wish it was quieter.
  23. I think some of that is nostalgia glasses and perhaps remembering a few memorable times you went apple picking and it was super cold. My old man swears it snowed non-stop in Baltimore "back in my day" for example. Most dads have similar memories, I'd wager.
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