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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. LOL Yeah, for Christmas make grandma show her test results before she can sample the egg nog. So dumb. Full kool-aid drinker here, folks.
  2. If I get a couple more inches of snow and a few days with lows in the upper 20s my MD-style crappy winter is basically complete. LOL Just 50s and drizzle otherwise.
  3. Yes, basically early to mid November in Randolph is deep, deep central MD winter. I have checked the CoCoRaHS data from both locations and it's a dead ringer match. LOL
  4. Already in deep winter tracking mode by MD standards. I love it.
  5. If they start issuing you any Commandments, let us know.
  6. Better practices and procedures in the nursing homes can reduce the deaths enormously, since about 40-50% of the deaths in the first wave were in the LTC facilities. Using the "math" from that time period and applying it to outbreaks today seems pretty suspect and exactly the kind of bad science that leads governors and mayors to enact unhelpful lockdowns that make people's lives even worse. Honestly, from a public health standpoint, there is nothing to fear from a bunch of healthy young adults getting the virus and having the sniffles for a day or two. That's a natural part of getting over this as a species. You need that huge pool of people to survive and gain some immunity, which in turn protects everyone else. This is not even to say how you need these young people out there working so the vulnerable people (and those who are just scared of the virus...) can keep using DoorDash, Amazon, etc.
  7. I don't know, certain media outlets did a really good job keeping a lid on the dozens and dozens of people who died in the riots over the summer.
  8. You are entitled to your opinion. I think we will be able to judge for sure if this is a "horseshit conspiracy theory" by mid-January. Under your narrative, the media should be absolutely tearing into President Biden by that time. "Blood on his hands" and all that. I think we will see a major decline in COVID media coverage by mid-November depending on who wins. We will see. BTW, my statement has nothing to do with the actual virus. I am referring to the coverage and propaganda being beamed into everyone's homes. The virus is not a hoax, I am not arguing that.
  9. I personally think if Biden wins you won't hear much about case counts after that point. But sure, maybe the media will keep banging the same drum they have been banging since March. Maybe they will get even louder as the second wave hits. Anything is possible, I guess. Just a "conspiracy theory" I have. I'm sure this crisis would never be used for political ends and we can trust everything we are being told. Sure.
  10. Pretty funny how the COVID stat-anxiety and doom-porn hysteria hits a new fever-pitch just in time for the final days of the election. I'm sure it will just a be a coincidence when the "second wave" and "overwhelmed hospitals" issues suddenly fade away after election night. What an amazing virus, so in tune with the times!
  11. 800" I think. But that's just an average. I'm sure the totally unvisited spots get into 5 digits easily. No one around to even attempt to measure.
  12. That kind of snow would have to be heavy enough to choke you if you try to breathe outside.
  13. "Oh dear, gonna be a little bit of snow tonight, hon. Better bring in the chickens and put a spot of wax on the shovel ya know."
  14. I feel like businesses will have wide latitude to take whatever precautions they want to in the name of "safety" and "public health." Judges will say it's more important to "stay safe" than ski... just the reality of where society is with this virus right now.
  15. Yep, 8.09" last 30 days at the Randolph site. It's been wet.
  16. Oh yeah, no doubt you need to clear debt with high interest rates and short repayment windows before you go off buying investment land.
  17. A very wise decision. Land like that never loses value in the long run.
  18. Good makeout movie. I remember I saw the Swayze movie "Black Dog" twice in a row on the same day in HS to make out with a chick for like 3 hours. LOL
  19. My wife and I already avoid the Conway area. Too many Massholes. LOL We like staying in the very rural areas. The locals are welcoming and great, honestly. Berlin needs our dollars more than Conway anyway.
  20. The guy with the mullet definitely looks like a Berlin or Milan resident. LOL
  21. I have been saying for a while that there would be major logjams in VT and NH because people can't/won't get on airplanes and travel elsewhere. They are all staying local and going to places they can reach within a day's travel by car. I am so glad I bought north of the Presidentials. Just saying. Conway/Jackson/Bartlett area is a total mess.
  22. Pretty crazy. I guess everyone can just ignore the VT guidance and go there anyway, but you never know when they will suddenly start enforcing.
  23. Yikes that’s a MD special right there.
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