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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. That's exactly what I am saying. They have a very strict quarantine on paper but then are very vague about enforcement. In fairness, you have made posts here indicating that enforcement is very lax and you expect big crowds. That may be the case, but on paper Vermont is saying very clearly that is against the law and there will be penalties... of some sort. Expecting big crowds despite the guidance means the regs are basically bait or a dare to people. They should just say, "If you are from the red counties, do not come here unless you have a very good reason to do so, and be prepared to prove to law enforcement that you have a valid reason to be here and have either tested negative or have proof of quarantine."
  2. All that weight went right to his thighs, and for what?? A single measly upslope event!
  3. Topped out at 71. Sitting on the deck this evening, like it's early September again. Hopefully this ends soon. Bring on the huge cold and snow please.
  4. It finally makes sense to have houses in three states!
  5. They need to have the courage to just say that, instead of making veiled threats and basically daring people to run the quarantine blockade. It's a cowardly thing they are doing, actually.
  6. The last few days were nice to wrap up a few loose ends outdoors for sure, but we are ready for the serious cold and snow at this point. Hope the worm turns here soon. Get back to last Tuesday’s kind of feel.
  7. LOL yeah definitely some of that vibe up here right now. Our neighbors keep saying ominous things about the winter whenever we see them, however. I think they are looking forward to watching us flatlanders struggle mightily this winter.
  8. Hoping the rubber band snaps big time later in the month. What a crazy week. Last Tuesday I was mid-20s with snow squalls.
  9. I see this all the time between my site and Gorham. They beat me on clear cold nights, but my high temps are always 5-7 degrees colder.
  10. Topped out at 65. I’m done with this kind of weather, hope it goes away soon.
  11. Cuomo indicating he will “block” the vaccine from wide distribution. This kind of talk is causing skepticism for the vaccine in the minority communities hit the hardest by COVID. So stupid. More people will die.
  12. How does the media still have credibility with you at this point? It isn’t even a partisan issue. They are so terrible now. That includes Facebook and Twitter too. They are actively censoring what you are allowed to see.
  13. LOL at all the sudden anti-vaxxers. Gonna need to get Fauci up there to tell the masked-up scared sheep this is a good vaccine and they can receive it.
  14. Says everything you need to know about the corporate side of this whole pandemic, really.
  15. The “we need to trust the experts and scientists” and “we need to do more to stop COVID” crowd now saying they will not take the COVID vaccine right away is hilarious and sad.
  16. This is the Trump vaccine that Kamala said he was rushing and would be dangerous.
  17. The market is very excited about the prospect of the vaccine and also a logjam in Washington. This election outcome is basically the perfect result for the markets. Nothing will change. Stability for them.
  18. The relentless breezes in Randolph blow 90% of the leaves into the woods. It's really something. There are just a handful that get trapped at the front of the house. No gutters here either...
  19. The pup is trying to insulate it as best he can.
  20. Yep, snowbird winter weather for sure. February in Tampa stuff.
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