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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. That’s why I said once the government starts paying them to stay home they will never work again.
  2. @ORH_wxman is like... LITERALLY Hitler. Ugh!
  3. Food truck burger flipper is furiously dropping emojis in this thread.
  4. You have been super deep in the kool-aid tank since March and it may take years for you to swim back out. A real shame. But the case numbers!!!
  5. Most taxpaying rational Americans think this way. Despite what some say, you can put a price on human life. Insurance companies, doctors, and governments do so all the time.
  6. Once they start paying people to stay home and not work, they are never going to go back to work. That isn’t fear or hyperbole, just a fact. All people begging the govt to shut it all down need to understand this fact. Society will be radically changed forever.
  7. How many of those are “with COVID” versus “due to COVID”?
  8. Once they lock people down and start paying them to be unemployed, they will never go back to work. The socialist paradise will have arrived. Hope people see where this is headed. I realize people are scared of the ‘vid.
  9. Don’t tons of people die in nursing homes from respiratory illnesses all the time? Kinda just what happens there.
  10. Ok that is closer to what I was figuring. Big jump over age 54, as expected. This virus just isn’t a major risk to healthy adults until you hit 55+ and have major underlying health issues.
  11. Where did you get that number? I am guessing that most of those deaths are clustered 60 and up.
  12. Shady corporate CEO doing shady corporate CEO stuff. Just another day in the dystopia.
  13. People definitely die. Especially those 80+ with major underlying diseases. Jury is out on long term effects, since the virus hasn’t been around that long.
  14. They think there is a scenario where we all lay low for another 6-12 months and then there is a miracle shot we all get that prevents COVID. Basically a deus ex machina scenario.
  15. I’m sure nearly all families are stressed. This situation is especially hard on big time extroverts. The kind of people who are always at parties and going out to eat with friends 3 nights a week. You suddenly cut all that off and they don’t know what to do with themselves.
  16. 99.7% is what I have seen around as an “official” number.
  17. LOL Then who will deliver your shit from Amazon and DoorDash?
  18. There is no blanket judgement that applies to everyone in terms of how we think about this virus. Everyone has different factors they weigh in terms of the costs and benefits of staying at home versus going out. For some people, the small risk from dying of COVID does not outweigh the benefits of being social, going out, working an in-person job, etc. For many people, it isn't even possible to work from home or "stay safe" and so the calculus many office-workers have with #StayHomeStaySafe isn't relevant at all to their decision-making. The average grocery store worker simply can't stay home to stay safe. Doesn't work that way for him/her. This is why I don't like broad-brush government "solutions" to problems like this.
  19. For many students, this will be a lost year. This affects the students who were already struggling most greatly. They are now in an even deeper hole. Students who were already ahead and are self-learners are going to widen the gap with their peers. Sounds like a recipe for even greater disparity in outcomes.
  20. Not a popular opinion in some circles, but I think the remote school thing is only tangentially related to COVID. There are other factors at play involving teacher's unions and school boards, as well as state funding questions.' Definitely annoying to hear people I know without kids opining on how schools need to stay closed indefinitely to "keep us all safe."
  21. The goal of lockdowns needs to remain focused on preventing excess deaths from overwhelmed hospitals. At some point, the public came to believe the purpose of lockdowns should be to “beat” COVID or prevent deaths from it. That was not the original purpose. The messaging on this is hopelessly confused now.
  22. Kind of interesting how that argument was never, ever raised about flu or other communicable diseases. I understand COVID is not the flu, but it isn’t MERS either. I’m sure students have given the flu to teachers who then became deathly ill or died. Probably happens every year. I think the logic of keeping schools closed is going to take some time to shake.
  23. Good, that’s better than clumsy govt mandates anyway. If people are worried about COVID, they first and foremost can choose to stay home and isolated.
  24. I believe what I said is we need to check back after Inauguration Day. But feel free to believe there was a magic anti-COVID shield around the protests and parties that didn't exist at Sturgis and rallies.
  25. Always good to avoid Karens, no doubt about that.
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