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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. Are you surprised that suddenly minorities do not trust this vaccine? Seems kinda ridiculous to call them all idiots.
  2. I feel like giving the end of restrictions a very long tail is exactly how we end up with them never going away fully... You should be able to get the vaccine and a little ID card that allows you to keep the mask off and go wherever you want.
  3. Sure, but once you get the vaccine the restrictions for you should end. That needs to be the deal.
  4. If the vaccine is truly 95% effective and widely available, they need to open us up. Anyone scared of getting the virus can get the vaccine. Those who refuse, clearly don’t care about COVID and we can’t worry about them. The government still keeping everyone restricted indefinitely because some recalcitrant buttheads refuse to the take the vaccine is a scary thought.
  5. Talk to people outside your bubble? Only 46% of Americans say they would even consider getting the vaccine in the first round. Fauci and Cuomo both said restrictions would continue even with a vaccine.
  6. It’s going to be hard to justify jabbing yourself with a rushed, highly-experimental vaccine if it doesn’t even change things for you in terms of restrictions.
  7. We need a pledge from the govt that if we take this vaccine we are released from lockdowns, masks, etc. There is a lot of concern out there that they will mandate a vaccine and then still keep people masked-up and locked down anyway, which would suck.
  8. According to Pfizer’s data. There are at-risk groups such as pregnant women that still need to be wary, IMO.
  9. Surprised to see about an inch or so out there this morning. Very nice.
  10. Prior outbreaks likely had many more deaths that went unrecorded, especially given the flu would have devastated the young population in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, without being well-recorded.
  11. Obesity has emerged as the number 1 risk factor, I think. No wonder America is getting hammered. Also a lot of diabetics here.
  12. Are we still running below normal in deaths from heart failure, cancer, strokes, etc? I know that was the case in the spring when people refused to go to the hospital for these ailments and died at home instead.
  13. I've had a couple of employees get COVID (both while on telework). Neither had serious issues. Just my anecdotal two cents.
  14. I wonder how we will handle a bad flu season going forward. I do sincerely hope the government doesn't make all these restrictions " part of the normal response" to such things... that's something I am really worried about.
  15. Yes, definitely know some more people personally now with it than in the spring, when I didn't know anyone with the virus. Still don't personally know anyone who had more than a very mild infection, mostly loss of taste/smell level stuff.
  16. I'm guessing meteorology can be done 100% remotely these days.
  17. Until the next respiratory virus suddenly emerges.
  18. People are doing what they can. I travel a lot up and down the east coast these days, and I see very strong mask-wearing and social distancing adherence everywhere I go. Yelling at people that the virus is still killing people because they are not masking, distancing, and teleworking hard enough has become counterproductive, especially for the working class who can't do these things as easily as a keyboard jockey behind a desk can. How much more is expected of these people? Many of them have been working non-stop exposed to massive viral load for six months straight! But now they are still causing grandma to die and must do more?
  19. If they are so typical where the hell are they? LOL
  20. Been saying this since March... Americans may be willing to accept 1,000 deaths a day in exchange for freedom of movement and jobs. You guys can stomp and be angry about how heartless and horrible that is, but it's reality, especially for working class Americans who are one more lockdown away from losing their jobs, homes, everything. I expect much more pushback against lockdowns if they are tried again than we saw in the spring.
  21. The class of people calling for lockdowns have guaranteed paychecks and can easily work from home indefinitely. They are not thinking about anyone else. Hopefully people wake up.
  22. I found one of his old videos. Cool stuff!
  23. I think you need a cold coastal. This upslope and changeover from rain stuff won't do it at your location. I am waiting for a strong coastal storm with temps in the upper 20s as well because Randolph should crush it in such a storm. That should be gravy in our spots.
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