Missing out on a storm like this down there means your whole winter might be over. The vibe in the MA forum right now is utter hopelessness. I think the bread and butter zone gang sometimes gets a little too high up into the clouds and forgets. LOL
Should I expect some downsloping/precip holes here with the precip coming up from the SW? This is my first SWFE here I think (in the winter at least). Models have a kinda spotty look near here now (more over Whitefield but close enough to have me wondering). Maybe it's just noise.
The NAM twins have a spot of dry air and mixing that passes over me on the 12z runs. Not sure if that is real or just a burp. I assume it is trying to depict some downsloping or something?
RGEM has looked great for several cycles. The Canadian models take a lot of flak, but they don't seem as jumpy as the GFS and the Euro. Doesn't mean they aren't wrong, of course. LOL
At least they provide plenty of model beauty shots.