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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. Anything but straight tropical grinch is fine by me.
  2. Oh yeah, no doubt. I get it. And it's on us weenies who live in these remote microclimates to learn how to adjust the more generalized forecast for our areas. I am slowly learning how to adjust the forecast for my spot. Sometimes the GYX crew does seem positively giddy over the cutters, though. Breaks my heart a little. LOL
  3. GYX likes talking about tropical dews and atmospheric rivers at the coast.
  4. LOL I am not falling for your trap. That's the kiss of death. Keep those salty tears coming.
  5. That run is silly for here. The low comes right over my house and just dumps paste.
  6. They are too busy sharing bread 'n butter memes with J. Spin over text to post here.
  7. v16 takes the low off the coast, really nice look. GYX may need to temper the atmospheric river deluge language for up here. LOL
  8. 12z GFS maintains an iffy but possibly workable look. My weenie recollection says the GFS sometimes misses CAD at this range, right?
  9. You are covered by Burlington, right? GYX covers the Whites, not your area.
  10. 00z Ukie looks damn cold for this event.
  11. Euro not terrible either. V16 is the best depiction so far.
  12. The 06z GFS and v16 both show a sloppy hit here, verbatim. There is only one panel where surface temps get above freezing and 850s are good throughout. Very little margin for error, however. Hopefully this is finally a storm where that Randolph geography pays off.
  13. The v16 is a huge hit here. Old GFS and CMC are kinda iffy, but close.
  14. Sweet, dry and boring to a cutter back to dry and boring. Good stuff.
  15. Would we be content if GM and Ford could have snuffed out Tesla overnight by banning their cars from the roads while the govt did nothing? I doubt we'd be OK with that. I don't think that is political, but if it is, feel free to delete. Just something that is bothering me.
  16. This tech monopoly needs to be broken up eventually. We didn't tolerate it when AT&T basically owned every single telephone line and telephone in the entire country. We also wouldn't tolerate it if a single company controlled the pulp supply, the paper mills, the ink supply, printing machine manufacturers, and the printers themselves. We would say that is way too dangerous to free speech in an open society.
  17. They are basically forecasting a warm cutter, I guess. We'll see. Another mini-Grinch storm would be a huge kick in the balls.
  18. LOL yeah a foot+ on the clown map.
  19. Euro looks more interesting here for this weekend than 00z did. It's pretty close. Gives me a few inches of snow verbatim. I don't expect to get much discussion on this event. I could be talking to myself a lot on this one given the depiction. LOL
  20. Hopefully that cutter-looking thing on Saturday is cold enough for snow here. Looks close at the moment. This should be the kind of event where my location helps.
  21. Big Ben is a totally different QB now. He is skittish and gets rid of the ball too fast before the receivers are in place. He looks scared back there. A long way from the days of multiple pump-fakes and shrugging off defenders in the pocket. Probably retirement time.
  22. Berlin has some very interesting neighborhoods for sure.
  23. If I had to live in a "regular" place with a normal 9-5 type job, probably ORH region. They always seem to be in the game for storms no matter what type. Otherwise, Randolph, NH.
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