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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. March needs to crush in NNE. I need 90" to hit average. LOL piece of cake for March?
  2. Currently 21, about 8-10 inches snowpack. Not exactly a Feb deep winter bonanza look.
  3. Dude, you are good luck and this is an easy one for you. 6-10 across the area with lollies to 12. Easy.
  4. I get it. Twitter is what it is. Brings out the troll in everyone.
  5. My MIL watches Portland news when she is up here and even down there they talk about snow as some cumbersome annoying thing that will disrupt everyone's day and needs to melt as fast as possible. She likes that kind of hard hitting news reporting being from Baltimore. LOL
  6. TV Met? Ah, no wonder he needs to pimp warmth. City people hate snow. Makes sense now. Every TV met talks up warmth because the grannies who still watch the 6 PM news hate snow. It keeps them from going to church and the store.
  7. It's clear from the maps which areas are way below normal.
  8. These twitter fake mets are kinda all the same, honestly. Either they pimp huge snows and endless winters or they pimp huge warmth and endless summers. Wrong constantly either way.
  9. What keeps bringing you back to the UK? Work/family/etc?
  10. What was this clown saying during the blizzard SNE had earlier? Many places in SNE can easily still hit average, but by then I'm sure this joker will be talking about the drought and his tomatoes.
  11. It still makes me very sad to see winter breaking down in NNE.
  12. They are good at cleaning up and grooming there for sure. They will get another chance to show off their skills after this next cutter. March better rock or it'll be an early spring shutdown at most places.
  13. It appears the cutter for this week is not dampening out. Looks ugly on the Euro still. A little colder than the last one at least. Hopefully I will be more like upper 30s instead of 60... I'm expecting the pack to be mostly gone by the time the Friday storm comes in.
  14. It's fine when he posts here regarding SNE storms, but it's kind of silly to be here making weenie posts disagreeing with everyone and claiming a NYC jackpot is coming because the GFS says so. Take that noise to the NY forum.
  15. What's the NYC forum saying about it?
  16. Whiskey doesn't go bad on any kind of short timeline. Why throw away the rest you don't drink?
  17. I know we joke about it, but this time NNE really does desperately need snow for the winter sports industry. LOL Spring skiing season is not looking good based on how it stands today. Sorry coastal SNE. Start thinking tomatoes.
  18. That will verify here as mid-50s and sun with brisk tropical-feeling breezes.
  19. I'd be really nervous having that next to my house.
  20. Water rescues and massive flooding. Ah... February in NNE.
  21. Would be nice to get back a foot of pack.
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