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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. This snow is crazy dense. Blue snow everywhere in my piles too. Loaded with moisture. Would take a mighty grinch indeed to melt this.
  2. Pretty sure it’s above average here but still cold compared to how it’s been.
  3. Is this the worst winter of all time so far at your spot? Your obs have been brutal all winter.
  4. Grinch was locked in for 2 weeks straight. Barely wavered.
  5. Why are you staying in NYC? I know it can be hard to leave the place you know, but you are going to severely limit your career potential and bank account there. Your 800k would go massively further just about anywhere else. You could have bought this house in Randolph for that...
  6. Temp dropping to 23 degrees now. Nice chilly day.
  7. January 26th looks pretty good to me on the models.
  8. Solid fluff bombing here this morning.
  9. It’s a lot of snow here, and not just depth. The snow is thick. I can cut it into slabs basically. Will be a seriously solid base after the cold this week. Still kinda sloppy now.
  10. That Woodford report looks like an outlier but I don’t know the area at all. Looks like I had the highest in NH.
  11. I measured 18” in several spots so I believe the Randolph observer’s numbers. Lines up well here after a whole day of settling. It’s a thick layer of beastly cement with some fluff on top.
  12. LOL that one was marinating for a while.
  13. It's not that big of a deal. Get a grip. The Mid Atlantic mods tried the heavy handed approach by banning all banter. The stuff just starts appearing in the weather threads instead. This thread is like a crazy house to keep all the nutty thoughts contained. No one is forced to read it.
  14. Would have liked a Bills/Browns AFC Championship (underdog battle) but this is second best. Go Bills. They really deserve this. Great team.
  15. My chauffeur keeps the champagne in the limo at the perfect temp.
  16. Looks like an outlier. But then again so does Randolph to some extent.
  17. No, I don’t believe it is. Maybe Shelburne at best.
  18. I should take a measurement near the summit of Adams and call it Randolph. Would be the same as measuring at Hermit Lake and calling it Gorham.
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