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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. Nice! Sounds like I was downslope central on this one. Better snow all around.
  2. Best snow of the day here last hour or so, but looks to be wrapping up shortly.
  3. Will there still be enough cold air up here? Would kinda be a nut punch to roll from suppression city to early spring.
  4. Definitely not the flow I want here. Complete dud today. Extended still looks pretty zzzzz to me but I guess there is something lurking for the weekend. Needs work, however.
  5. My complaining may have helped a little because flake size just jumped up and it’s light snow now at least.
  6. Yeah it’s been snowing all day but really light here. Hoping for a wind shift to pick things up. An inch would be nice. Snowing well and windy as heck down at Cannon. Seems like a good setup for them this time.
  7. Total bust here. Not even a dusting really. 24 degrees so plenty cold as usual, just no precip. Hope this shitty pattern ends soon and we can get some actual precip up here.
  8. Whiteout at times at Cannon today. We had to end early.
  9. It’s been noticeable with the lack of solid upslope periods after a storm passes. 1/17 was good for that. 2/1 was basically devoid of wind despite having a decent low in the GOM.
  10. The models all show me in a serious dry spot. There is a precip max south of me over the peaks that people may be thinking is Randolph. Models have been wrong on showing me in the downsloping zone before when I manage to just sneak into the better banding. Maybe that will happen this time. Kinda ready for this month to end and take my chances with a total pattern shift. It’s just not working up here for a nice, bigger storm.
  11. A few scattered flurries, nothing now. 17 degrees. Not too hopeful about this one. Too far north.
  12. Just need some actual moisture with temps around 30, and I am all set here. Hopefully the shredder is finally dead and there will be a period before the real warmth and rain arrives?
  13. I haven't had meaningful snow here since the very beginning of February. Not complaining about my snowfall numbers to date, just would enjoy a real trackable storm with a radar signature. 6" would be fine. Doesn't seem like an outlandish request...
  14. Seen that map all month. Maybe this time it will verify.
  15. Definitely need some snow up here in the North Country after the sleet storm. The pack is kinda crusty and gross in spots. Been nothing but moose fart dust for weeks. Need a solid 6-10 here. Models are not encouraging. Seems dry for a while and then a parade of warm inland runners take Old Man Winter out behind the woodshed and murder him.
  16. Until everyone on earth is vaccinated, which is impossible for several reasons, especially the resistant variant issue. That seems to be the general govt baseline.
  17. Vitamin D is also a key in general terms, I think. Not a magic cure or anything but I think there is correlation between being low and being more likely to have a serious COVID infection.
  18. There are a lot of very ill older people in this country and even mild COVID is enough to kill them. Many, many Americans are in an appalling state of health. Hopefully this virus will be a wake up call for them to stop smoking, drinking heavily, doing drugs, eating fast food every day, etc. But I doubt it.
  19. What bullshit did we have this winter where there was a blocking shredder running 24/7 up here but it wasn’t even cold? Basically all the bad aspects and none of the good.
  20. He has a very bad habit of interrupting our ignorant weenie rants, that’s for sure!
  21. This is how Marvel superheroes recover their powers after being de-powered.
  22. Seems like a mild but very infectious form of the virus is what is spreading now. Everyone is getting it but the vast majority are not really getting very sick. Herd immunity is probably getting close.
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