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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. My phone still worked after being under water, but it sometimes wouldn't charge and the battery would randomly go from showing full to zero and turning off instantly. I worked around it for a couple months but then just got a new phone. The batteries on these phones are still pretty delicate things. Being dunked in cold water for a while will probably mess it up even if it stays technically "dry" inside. But I may have just had bad luck, and it was brackish water in my case. Salt is bad for phones. LOL
  2. Been there. Luckily, I could see the phone on the bottom, it was pretty shallow. The phone was never right after that. I would just let it go and get a new one. It'll almost certainly be bricked by the time you get back it, or just moved away by the current and/or buried.
  3. Very obvious someone woke up over there and realized a change in strategy was needed to move forward. The fear-mongering approach focusing on variants, breakthrough COVID, and how nothing changes when you get vaccinated was clearly not motivating fence-sitters to get the jab. The damage might be done for some; I have seen some talk from vaccinated people that masks need to stay on indefinitely now due to the media talk of "double mutant" variants and the like. A real messaging debacle from the government. They scared the wrong people.
  4. Torpedo from Sierra Nevada is probably still my favorite IPA overall.
  5. Just some lads trying to live free and possibly die.
  6. Someone who doesn't trust the CDC and believes that his/her vaccine only works if everyone on earth is vaccinated, and until then he/she needs to keep wearing a mask even if vaccinated, is a science-denier and anti-vaxxer. I am OK with your right to choose that belief system, though. It takes all kinds.
  7. That said, if I had AC I'd install it.
  8. I am not taking HVAC advice from a guy on Twitter who has never heard of a sprinkler.
  9. Definitely. Anyone who is not in an at-risk group and has the vaccine should not be worried at all. It's way more dangerous for them to get in the car, go out for a day on the boat, golf with thunderstorms nearby, climb a tall ladder, etc. I'm sure there are people who are still very worried about COVID but will still climb a ladder up to the second story to clean their gutters. Humans are so bad at risk assessment.
  10. Looks nice up in Randolph. 69/40, hard to beat that. Getting green now. Headed up next week.
  11. I hear you. You are pointing and laughing at some of the most sacred cows here, though, so the white knights are mounting up.
  12. You must be new here. Prepare to be swarmed.
  13. I think people are going to be hypersensitive to these breakthrough cases for a while because the fear levels are still high out there. By all accounts, the vaccine is incredibly effective, but there is never such a thing as zero risk or 100% prevention. Humans used to realize this but 2020...
  14. I said probably. I think I know why it’s a sensitive topic.
  15. Is this some weird narrative you vaxxed guys are sensitive over or something? LOL I didn’t come up with this myself.
  16. Yep, so predictable. LOL
  17. Or I know how to do a simple Google search: https://www.kfyrtv.com/2021/03/15/health-experts-say-those-previously-infected-with-covid-19-may-have-worse-side-effects-from-the-vaccine/ https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.04.15.21252192v1 https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article250667914.html
  18. Probably means you had COVID recently and recovered. You already had natural immunity.
  19. Keep posting, you are going to explode some heads here. LOL
  20. Sounds like you ran the Karen gauntlet and survived, so that is good news. Any word from Montgomery County? I assume they locked down even tighter in response to Hogan’s announcement.
  21. Glad the governors in those states had the courage to stand up to the mob. So many people spent so much time wishing for mass death in those two states. It was sick.
  22. LOL seriously. It’s crazy it took this long but at least it’s happening now.
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