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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. LOL yeah for sure. I guess for me still being pretty new to climo up here it would be nice to drop a map like that into Google Earth or similar as an overlay and see where different places fit in.
  2. I wish they would put geographic markers on those maps or release them in a format where you can check specific lat longs...
  3. Down to 31 already. Should be coldest night so far here.
  4. Nothing made it over here yet, sun breaking out. Flow is blocked today.
  5. It'll never seem like a good time to make the move. There will always be something in your personal or professional life that isn't aligning right or blocking the move. You just have to break through the worry and do it. Easier said than done, of course, but it'll be worth it.
  6. Clouded up over here but no precipitation yet.
  7. Wildcat saying they will open 19 November, Cannon saying 26 November. Not sure about BW.
  8. I think the leaves might be further along down here in MD than interior CT, actually. LOL
  9. Does it then get like 60 degrees the next day and melt it all? Just looking to see what the catch is. LOL
  10. I guess no one lives there. It’s like a foot of liquid overnight though. Seems hard to fathom with single digit temps. How does the temp even stay that low with that much warm pacific air being tossed in?
  11. That much liquid falling from the sky so fast I just figure would set off some kind compressional warming deal or similar and turn it to slush or rain.
  12. Feel free to punch the walls of my barn. I won't charge you extra for that.
  13. Has to be some computer-generated glitch forecast. Just ripping from the HRRR or something.
  14. Sun is breaking through over here in beautiful New Hampshire.
  15. He can work at BW and sleep in my barn. I have a room up there on the second floor.
  16. Cold enough for snowmaking up here though?
  17. Looks nice, but @ORH_wxman will probably chime in with a climo report that it's a total snow pit.
  18. Been a pretty persistent signal for something snow-related up here in the first half of November.
  19. As long as it isn't too much, I've taken old gas and put it in the cars, mixed with mostly fresh gas. It doesn't hurt anything, modern cars are able to adjust the timing and fuel/air ratio to compensate if needed.
  20. You would think they'd make it easier to dispose of waste like that to discourage people from just dumping it down the drain...
  21. Hopefully an early start to winter up here. It took forever to get started last year.
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