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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. Looks like the atmospheric river is a lock for Monday, but maybe after that we can get the upslope machine turned on.
  2. It's DCA... I could totally see Houston getting to 32 degrees more often in a cruel twist of fate. Place is cursed from a weather standpoint.
  3. I've been thinking DCA might do that soon.
  4. Headed into cold cutter season it appears.
  5. 30 degrees with some light mixed stuff.
  6. It looks like a rainy frontal passage and then perhaps a weak low that lingers/retrogrades around the area. A scenario I could see would be some snow up front, a period of light rain, and then backside upslope. Mainly I just want to avoid heavy rain and a wet Thanksgiving.
  7. Mostly just want to avoid the atmospheric river BS around yet another holiday.
  8. It's an ugly run wire to wire. Another nasty cutter set up at the end too.
  9. If you need an oral sturgeon, check Lake Champlain... Sorry, dad joke.
  10. Seems like the Randolph CoCoRaHS guy is off the net, for the last couple of weeks at least. So I will try keep track of snowfall on the site Kevin runs as much as possible, at least capture the major events.
  11. Parts of NNE are still in play for something early to mid next week. It's a convoluted looking thing.
  12. There’s over 4 inches at my snow stake so I’m sure there is a good amount at the Mansfield stake.
  13. The thing for the middle of next week looks a little snowier here now on the CMC and GFS. 00z Euro was pretty ugly though, but it'll change.
  14. WWA in effect up here for a little snow and a little ice.
  15. 5 inches on my snow stake on the north side, 3 on the south side. Winter is here, for the moment.
  16. I was really worried until I read this! Thank goodness journalism isn't dead!
  17. 28 degrees with some light stuff around still. Very nice few upslope days here. 3 inches at my measuring stick on the south aspect. 5 on the north stick.
  18. Much better depiction than the 00z cutter from Hell.
  19. 12z GFS keeps the nastiest atmospheric river BS offshore this run. Hope that trend continues.
  20. It's been bouncing around on the models. Still plenty of time for shifts.
  21. Ended up with another 2" last night, maybe a tad more. 4" last two days is pretty solid given the marginal temps for much of the day yesterday. Mid winter this would been a nice fluffy event of several inches. Edit: forgot about the inch Sunday. So 5 inches last 3 days in marginal temps is pretty solid.
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