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Everything posted by wxduncan

  1. NVM was reading there discussion the day shifts of all 3 offices GSP,RAH and Blacksburg will be the ones to decide who gets Switched over to a Ice Storm Warning later today.
  2. Well here where I live in Burke county this warning is for all ICE. Anywhere from 0.25 to 0.40 with locally higher amounts close 0.50. So I really don’t why we are under a WSW instead of a ICE storm warning. Unless all the offices just wanted simpler messaging.
  3. Brad P. now saying 0.20-0.30 for Valdese Hickory Marion etc. But he did say to me on twitter he feels like he may have to adjust totals south again towards 0.30-0.40 which is just north of us on his forecast map. Saying those areas(I just said) should be prepared for a few days without power.
  4. Will not be shocked if all the above places I said will be under ICE storm Warning by Tom AM package from GSP. Brad was saying about upping totals for the areas I talked about from 0.25-0.35 to more near 0.40-0.55 if the trends continue.
  5. Yeah Marion/Morganton/Lenoir/Valdese/Hickory and out towards Statesville if these trends keep holding like they been and going up also we all are in some trouble.
  6. Yes I think Marion East towards Morganton/Valdese and towards Hickory are going to be in some deep trouble. The trends continues for our areas I just mentioned now I know why Brad P. and GSP/other were saying these areas need be ready for power outages.
  7. Please I need to know if I need to go get a generator for my area in Burke(Valdese).
  8. When ever the 3k nam is done would love to see the final totals for ZR.
  9. Honestly if this is going to be our last storm of the winter(time running out) bring the ICE might as well hope to get close to 0.50 here in Burke county.
  10. That's what I was thinking which makes be believe areas like Hickory and Morganton could be more near the 0.50 then 0.25 GSP starting to hint at it.
  11. So less ICE then for Hickory and points west into Burke County? Because from what Brad P. Is saying 0.25 to 0.50 to GSP makes me wonder. Guess we will see.
  12. Was talking with Brad P. over twitter asked him about his thoughts for Hickory west into Burke county. Asked him if he thought 0.25 to 0.50 was possible he said yes and could see those totals trends a little further south. Going to be interesting to say the least.
  13. Looks like a nice heavy band is about to move into Burke/Catawba.
  14. Really coming down now question is how long can we keep it going?
  15. Finally good moderate snow falling in Valdese just started no rain mixed in.
  16. For those in Hickory and Icard areas is it all snow and what's the rate right now?
  17. I give up snowing in Icard and Hickory but not here in Valdese earlier was just some light drizzle like wtf is going on.
  18. Amazing just west of you in Valdese and nothing feel like crying lol.
  19. IF we get 3 or more I will probably pass out lol. Going to check will post back what's going on here in Valdese. Foothills Action Network said to me by a tweet they expect snow for Burke to start at 10pm to 6pm.
  20. Yeah GSP now says in the Warning areas Additional snow accumulations of up to two inches. even the mountains now say Additional snow accumulations of up to 1-3 inches. Then I looked down for our SC folks say same thing additional snow accumulations of 2 inches. Everyone go look at your Warnings and Advisory's they updated them just a few minutes ago and added a few county's to a Advisory.
  21. Same though was looking at the new Rap/HRRR they don't look bad still running though.
  22. We really need to get some heavy bands to move in....
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