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About wxduncan

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  1. Don't think Morganton going to do that well at all. Thought about going down to South Mountain but idk.
  2. Yeah it's just sad at this point. If we don't get anything by March 7th then it's over. Time is going fast and with Feb being a leap month this year even faster. So I say we have 22 days give or take a few to make something happen.
  3. How much more of an adjustment would you want to see for the Foothills to cash in? Only thing that worry's me is the temps.
  4. A good run increased the amounts for the foothills a good bit. And even put some totals down further east towards the Piedmont.
  5. Yeah I went from 4.1(Euro) and 3.6(GFS) for Morganton(Burke County) to blank on that NAM run. But the thermals especially the 850s were great for my area.
  6. So how accurate is the NAM at this range? Because compared to the Euro and GFS this is way west.
  7. Yeah I just hope we can squeeze out just enough to meet warning criteria. My rule of thumb is if I get 4 inches that winter was good and I'm good with no more snow for that winter. Here's to hope that us here in the foothills can cash in. We are so close to something more as usual lol.
  8. I'm in Burke county right near Morganton. What's everyone's thoughts for my area right now? I mean it seems like both of the models have me getting almost warning criteria. But it feels like I'm right on the edge of something more or less. Thoughts?
  9. I'm in the foothills near Morganton NC (Burke County). That puts me in the 5 to 6 range. But that's a little too close for comfort we shall see.
  10. Yeah I live here in Valdese(Burke) and my point and click says 1-2 inches for tonight. Odd Catawba is under a WWA but I'm not and there expecting totals of the same amount for both counties? Also @strongwxncyour forecast is the same also as ours. Wonder if they will upgrade our counties a little later today? Since it don't really start to after 5:00pm?
  11. You still all sleet? Got a nice 6.5 inches of snow and at least 1 inch of sleet so far. And its still coming down.
  12. Have changed over to sleet now in Valdese. Went out and did 7 different measurements we got just over 6 inches here in Valdese(Burke County). So I'm happy now we see how much sleet and zr we get. Fun times for sure.
  13. Have changed over to sleet now in Valdese. Went out and did 7 different measurements we got just over 6 inches here in Valdese(Burke County). So I'm happy now we see how much sleet and zr we get. Fun times for sure.
  14. Just measured the same down here in Valdese not from you. How much more you think we can get?
  15. Yes they did and it caused GSP to really bust on the snow forecast. I will get at least 6 inches here in Valdese maybe more. Just over 5 inches now and its coming down hard. Radar looks good also.
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