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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Southport, NC
  • Interests
    Weather, Computer Programming, And Sports.

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  1. This storm proved to me that the models may actually be getting worse. Epic failure by them and METS for the most part. Never trust the models when they show snow in the south not even within 12 hours of the event.
  2. Everyone enjoy your cold rain and sleet? Now you know what it feels like to live in the Wilmington, NC area during winter. ;-)
  3. ILM gets a huge amount........................................................................................................................of ice and rain :+(
  4. I love cold rain here at the coast. We will be the envy down here come summer time. LOL. Enjoy the snow guys I will be listening to ice landing everywhere.
  5. Looks like Wilmington, NC gets shafted again. Enjoy the snow whoever gets it.
  6. ECMWF says who wants some cold rain for most people in the south. How crazy is it that the models are this far off this close in?
  7. Come on everyone join the darkside of winter here in the Wilmington, NC area. Models have been hinting at that. Just need a nudge..........not trying to jinx anyone. Well nvm of course I am. 12z run will show snow for the northeast and nothing down here. Muahhahahaha.
  8. So you want cold rain to. Going to make rain angels and catch rain drops with your tongue?
  9. who is ready for some cold rain? Now all of the southeast people can see what it is like to live in the Wilmington, NC area lol
  10. Well we miss out again in this area it seems like no matter the set up. It is odd but I wish luck for everyone else outside of this 15 miles radius. lol
  11. All I know is there will be no snow here in the Wilmington, NC area. Enjoy your snow guys will take pics of our cold rain.
  12. Looks like we are all going to have to start learning how to build rain men and create rain angels. Puddles of cold water for everyone.
  13. Wilmington, NC area will miss out again as usual. Strange area lol it seems to always not snow right along the coastal Cape Fear River waters. One reason I miss Fayetteville, NC.
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