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Everything posted by NeonPeon

  1. Unfortunately for the ski resorts there of late, so does most of sne.
  2. It is odd how there's no clear idea even within the scatter plot.
  3. Really, because I think the sentiment you are expressing has been expressed every other storm on here. The uncertainty of the forecast is amplified by the weenies on the edges who are tracking every vacillation to the point of insanity, laughing, I might add, at more steady and conservative approaches by the likes of box, for not hoisting em, raising em, and, presumably, jerking them knees. The thing here is all the normal evolution of the storm uncertainties, track, etc. are even more amplified by the liminal temps. I'm fascinated to see how it pans out. I think this will be increasingly how I have to appreciate winter weather given my location and, well, you know.
  4. This is going to be one where we get "puking" posts and then also people just actually puking.
  5. The banding in this storm is going to be hilarious, with wild haves and have nots in the areas riding the line.
  6. Good lord don't remind me. One of the most brutal storms ever. I could travel literally 2 miles in any direction and watch the snow double, then double again. Newport is special.
  7. It's almost fun being on the outside of this one. I'm not stressed at all. Will I get rain, or rain. What temperature will the rain be? It doesn't engender much of an emotional reaction. I'm not hanging my hat on one solution, I'm not staying up for the next model. Hang on a second, I mispoke, did I say almost fun, I meant painfully unrewarding.
  8. Narragansett bay snow hole modeled correctly; lock it in.
  9. When people talk about giving up, they are still going to watch this thread and check, if only to say see, I'm still screwed and will continue to be screwed. This is it. What else are rainy folks going to do? Contemplate the futility of existence? Look into the void that exists in every mirror? Nah. Model runs. Even crap ones. Thats all there is. Nihilism is climo for the coastal plain, let alone this snow forsaken bay. But huge storms like this sometimes thread the needle. They need to be huge, hit perfect and hit right though in March. This one probably won't. Doesn't mean I won't watch. It's still not impossible, just very unlikely.
  10. You do? It looks like what happens when a model is moving on to a new solution but can't make up its mind. It's a mess.
  11. There needs to be people worried that this is out to sea for me to not be worried about rain. This has a lot of time to wiggle.
  12. That stupid CCB offshore... When those are visible on radar it's the worst.
  13. Slush and rain falls on the puddles of vomit on thames street for the parade. I think that's probably a perfect end to this "winter."
  14. Anyone who is right on the coast will know that a whiff at this range in spring at least has a slight hope. Most everything else isnt likely to stay white anyway. The trend isn't friendly though, and would need to reverse.
  15. Winds have been pretty unremarkable in Newport. Tellingly, with regard to the failure for any coastal to actually properly get going, the wind was significantly more at the arrival of precip than it was when the low passed and the wind turned. 20 sustained is very ho hum here.
  16. Neighboring school district did online learning. Ours just has a snow day, and we took advantage of it with 2 hours of the most required curriculum ever: sledding. I'm all for more days of school. The school year should be 210 days long, not 180, but don't take the snow days away!
  17. The good thing is it's snowing. The bad is that I'm comfortably observing it outside in a hoody.
  18. I can't imagine it successfully actually accumulating down here. Temps well above freezing, mediocre rates, and some of it midday? Then the switch to rain. It'll be a snow cone. Beats nothing, but keeps the sled in the basement. Just a couple footnotes coming for a winter that almost wasn't.
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