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Everything posted by NeonPeon

  1. Just flipped here. Kid is home and quarantining. I'll take some ornamental snow.
  2. Most of the wind down here is just nice and steady 20-30 mph stuff. Nothing crazy. Good luck to those in the blue.
  3. A whiffer into a rainer sounds like an average January to me!
  4. If you want to be perpetually disappointed it's a good starting point.
  5. I'll take a 958 mb bomb somewhere in the general hemisphere as something to watch. My winter spirit has been awakened, and it must do something before it goes to bed disappointed in a couple months.
  6. On your average snowfall, you can add an inch for every town further away from the ocean. If Newport gets 3, Middletown gets 4, Portsmouth gets 5, bristol gets 6, Warren gets 7. The snowstorms that don't obey this rule are my favorite. There has been one of significance in the last decade here. We got 13, Barrington got like 3 inches. Those were the day. Sometimes I've seen triple the snow just from the south end of Newport to the north. Anyhow, two days of sledding, we made it count, bare grass incoming tomorrow.
  7. Good lord that is typical. I ended up with about 3.5 inches. Cement then a powder puff on top. Drive in any direction and the snow immediately gets deeper.
  8. Ok, well. I'm enjoying Dave Eggers "the every" for a nice dystopian laugh.
  9. Wait, you are complaining that you are alone? I haven't been alone in years. May I recommend... Drugs?
  10. Nice little rate at the end here. Enough to go sledding, it's all I wanted, heading out now and the kid is bouncing off the walls. I went from radar watching and sulking to a four year old saying "daddy, daddy, the snowflakes are landing in my mouth." Perspective, I guess?
  11. So you got a decent snowfall but didn't jackpot. Look to your SE and weep for them.
  12. SICORIOAM Smack in center of RI on any map?
  13. Band disintegrating a bit so that it's ready pass through Newport. Every storm is the same here.
  14. What's your total so far? My snow is melting as fast as it accumulates at the moment. Still don't have an inch. Honestly, I'm more angry with myself more than anything. A while back I started just looking at all the modeling, seeing what people on here thought, and then arriving at a very conservative number, the lowest of possible bounds. Then, I cut that number in half for Newport. Every winter I have to relearn the lesson.
  15. Less than an inch so far. Hoping without expectation that I can get under something as the bands rotting to the west realign.
  16. Well, I woke up to a look on the radar that I've seen many times before. Still don't like it. Nice little storm for most.
  17. What do you mean we don't know whether it'll be real. You think the satellite is doing performance art? Is it a metaphor?
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