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About NeonPeon

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  • Location:
    Newport, RI

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  1. Blob over orient point, blob at the northern ri border, a rare case where the screw hole isn't here. Though it isn't exactly a hole since the entire thing is too fast and ragged.
  2. 2 so far, always interesting when there's little wind. Not bad at all, it's just all moving too fast. If this was slower there would be even more have and have nots though, I'd guess. The best stuff down this way is falling in the sound so far and just offshore.
  3. Wasn't the idea of dry slotting making local qpf forecasting moderately difficult something raised days ago in the actual forecast discussion by box. What is new about this?
  4. The box forecast has a very typical gradient of doubling snow from Newport proper to about 10 miles north of here, and that's typical. I'll still take it, but when these things show themselves across models, my experience is that my microclimate underperforms vs over performs. The bay likes to warm. I need any ptype issues out to block island to not be worried, more robust antecedent cold, and much more dynamic powerful systems than this.
  5. This is beginning to look more slushy than sleddy for the kids Sunday morning. The dreaded "a good region wide event."
  6. Went skating on the pond again. You never know when it'll be the last time. Definitely the last time in this little stretch, the warming was making it start to sound a little sketchy, and it's open water in places from yesterdays melt.
  7. Whoever reported 3 for Newport is full of it, but that's probably that Middletown location. Enough to sled on for three hours and I'll take that.
  8. Looks like fun is almost over down here. Enough to justify a nice walk in the snow and enough for the kids to do some slightly grassy sledding if it freezes up a bit more in the early morning. I'll take whatever I can get.
  9. Someone from Maine the other day said they might be relocating down here, and what was the winter like. What I should have said was well, do you like looking up through the rain at a street lamp, and convincing yourself through sheer will, that droplets of rain have pseudo crystalline structures? Because if so, boy, oh boy, are you going to love it down this way. I've spent hours with this street lamp. Many things lie in the world of meteorology, if you aren't rigorous in your probabilistic thinking. That street lamp though, it's a straight shooter, the wretched bastard.
  10. Such a tiny little core. Wonder what the ceiling is.
  11. The educated people you know can't read a weather forecast then. Preparing for the worst here meant a very normal track deviation of just a few miles in either direction causing the worst of a storm surge to go into one of two bays, it had nothing to do with the storm being stronger than forecast.
  12. You've started strawmanning "FLORIDA WILL BE WIPED OFF THE FACE OF THE MAP, THIS IS THE END TIMES" and now are in the position of waving away significant destruction, even as it's being uncovered. Stop responding to stupid media by having diametrically opposed equally stupid opinions. Stop characterizing the most extreme opinion as definitive. That is why public discourse is broken. Try ignoring the sensationalism, listening to the calm, intelligent voices, then you can have an adult conversation. Or, carry on, I guess.
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