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Everything posted by snowman19

  1. Central Park saw a whopping 1.5 inches of snow out of it
  2. https://mobile.twitter.com/WXRISKCOM/status/1202484903415291904
  3. You beat me to it, so far the HRRR seems to be the most accurate. It did very well with yesterday’s non event on the front end
  4. Here’s the more accurate depiction of what the 0Z NAM shows; 12 K: https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=namconus&region=neus&pkg=asnowd&runtime=2019120200&fh=36 3K: https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=nam3km&region=neus&pkg=asnowd&runtime=2019120200&fh=36
  5. You aren’t going to have 10:1 ratios tomorrow, they are so inaccurate, it’s not even funny
  6. Those 0Z 10:1 12K and 3K NAM snowmaps are very, very badly overdone, not even close, like not even in the ball park. Go to the positive snow depth change maps and compare. The difference is astounding
  7. New NAM total for storm: https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=namconus&region=neus&pkg=asnowd&runtime=2019113012&fh=84
  8. There is a lot of sleet counted as snow in that
  9. It will depend on how far north the secondary gets going. The models minus only the NAM are moving it further north and west since last night
  10. There is going to be a lull after the initial WAA mixed precip to rain Sunday afternoon
  11. November 2018 had a much colder and drier airmass in place to start, there was also extremely strong lifting and dynamics in the DGZ
  12. I would be shocked if there isn’t a north movement with this storm on the models between now and Saturday’s runs. These secondary coastal transfers always tend to do that as you get close
  13. People are using the grossly inaccurate 10:1 ratio “snow” maps that count sleet as snow. They aren’t even close to reality, it happened all last winter
  14. It got warmer all the way into the Hudson Valley
  15. Seemed like that to me too, that’s why I had asked about these things moving north as you get closer in time
  16. Aren’t the models notorious for redeveloping and occluding too soon/far south in these situations, then they adjust north significantly as you get closer? I remember a few years ago, I forget which year and month it was, but just that scenario happened, it showed a DC, Philly, NYC hit and it ended up crushing New England instead
  17. Surface is warm too on the Euro. That 12Z Euro snowmap is bogus, in fact Coastalwx from the New England forum totally dismissed it and for good reason, the mid-levels are a torch and the UKMET actually was cooler at 0Z, the new 12Z run has no snow at all until you get into extreme Northwestern New Jersey
  18. Yea, that snowmap is way, way off. The mid-levels are completely torched on the Euro, all the way into southern New England
  19. Big problems with this. The 50/50 low is much weaker and further north than was modeled a few days ago, garbage airmass in place, no cold surface high locked in to the north, strong primary parent low cutting way west, secondary coastal low takes too long to form and bad track
  20. The UKMET got warmer than last night’s run. It doesn’t have even so much as a trace of snow until you get into extreme NW NJ. It’s posted in the New England forum if you want to take a look
  21. By the end of this month, there will be a late August sun angle
  22. The October sun angle was the end of February
  23. Shocking right? The models backing way off on a phantom cold and snow pattern as we get closer. The cold and snow has always been 10+ days away since mid-November, staying there and never moving forward in time. And the hype over the week after St. Patrick’s Day (3/18-3/23) is bogus. Super positive NAO and AO, No 50/50 low, bad trough positioning, very fast, progressive flow. And to top it off, no arctic cold. Just cooler than normal for late March which isn’t cold, given that normal highs are skyrocketing at that point. Long days, late August/early September sun angle overhead, climo fighting you, good luck getting a coastal snowstorm
  24. End of March, March “cold”, strongly positive NAO, best of luck getting an east coast snowstorm. That’s going to be a really good trick
  25. Yep and the 1980’s and 1990’s worked out so well for us, worst 2 decades in history lmaooo
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