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Everything posted by snowman19

  1. Even up this way in Rockland I doubt any snow at all accumulates tomorrow night. That WWA is more for the glazing/freezing rain threat. And agree about next Saturday. Color me very, very skeptical of any meaningful snow event
  2. The region 1+2 warming is all consistent with a CP/Modoki Nina event
  3. I knew as soon as JB started hyping a big east coast snowstorm for next weekend and started hemming and hawing about how the models were wrong about any warmup in the east between Christmas and New Year’s “my hurricane analogs say!!” It was definitely doomed. That guy is the ultimate kiss of death for winter in the east
  4. I did it just to get this reaction. Thank you. Made me laugh
  5. You can see that in today’s EPS, GEPS and GEFS runs for late month
  6. Region 4 is the coldest it’s been this entire event. And agree about the RONI. There is no denying that we are in a “late bloomer” La Niña
  7. I’m not denying that at 12z today there has been a major change on the models. And I’m not downplaying. However, given the PAC jet extension and the tropical forcing, I believe that model change to be totally wrong. Once again, just my opinion given the totality of the synoptic pattern. The great part of this forum is that we can have differing opinions and disagree and I’m not changing my opinion based on one or two ensemble runs. I’m sticking by it. Maybe I’m wrong and that’s fine @MJO812 Christmas week hasn’t happened yet. Something that hasn’t happened yet isn’t “in trouble”
  8. Well aware, and I’m not buying an arctic outbreak/extreme cold. Sorry we disagree but not believing the BAMWX, etc. GEFS model hype on twitter. Again, if I’m wrong I’ll own it
  9. I absolutely believe that the Christmas week period is not going to end up an arctic tundra like twitter would have us believe right now. I completely agree with Earthlight. Again, if I end up being wrong, so be it, you guys can roast me lol New EPS:
  10. And as far as this ridiculous SSWE hype on twitter, it is complete and total BS. A blatant wishcast if I ever saw one
  11. Very impressive forecast from back in August. I’m pretty shocked with how well it worked out. I’m still definitely not buying that the MJO is just going to plow right into 7-8-1-2. Not buying it having absolutely no resistance to the Niña standing wave/EWBs/subsidence and cooler SSTs. Neither is Earthlight, who everyone well knows is far, far away from being a warmista. If I end up being wrong, I’ll gladly admit it and you guys can rip me apart
  12. An AI model at 10-11 days out. This deserves a triple bun
  13. Yea. Up to this point they have been decoupled but there is some good evidence that they will couple in the next 2 weeks
  14. Definitely nothing even close to an upward flux major warming of the stratosphere. JB was hyping one last week for clickbait and subscription money, but he’s dead wrong as usual
  15. Will be interesting to see if his theory actually works out. Will also be interesting to see if we meet or eclipse the strongest +QBO on record
  16. I’ve seen some evidence that La Niña/+QBO/solar max may support a late winter (mid-late February or early March SSW), but at that point, would it be strong enough to downwell and affect the troposphere in time to make a difference? And what kind of SSW? Major? Minor? Would it cause a split? Displacement? Which side of the pole would it favor?
  17. This La Niña is very clearly strengthening on all metrics and now the region 3.4 ONI is reflecting it. The drop in the MEI is indicative of a very well coupled (ocean-atmosphere) system as is the RONI and SOI
  18. Given the strong background atmospheric/oceanic La Niña state, no surprise at all and the MEI is almost certain to drop lower coming up. It goes back to what @roardog just posted about with the RONI @bluewave I’m sure you weren’t surprised by the MEI drop
  19. Would you be shocked if the EPS looks absolutely nothing at all like that operational run?
  20. Part of it is absolutely ENSO. If you read through the above tweet, only the NPAC is resembling a Nino, the equatorial PAC is full blown La Nina and it’s going to work to block the MJO from propogating east into 8-1-2 due to the CP Nina standing wave/subsidence/EWB shear and cooler SSTA. So it gets back to @bluewave point of competing influences in the pattern
  21. @bluewave Still confident in an MJO 8-1-2 fail coming up. The cooler/cooling waters in those phases and the EWBs from the CP/Modoki Niña are going to shear it apart as it propagates east. Plus, the very strong SPV and tropospheric coupling will only potentiate the +NAO See:
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