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Everything posted by Stovepipe

  1. That's a white Christmas for much of the forum area considering likely ratios.
  2. No kiddin. I recently moved to Halls from west Knox and have already documented significant differences in temps and precip nestled between Black Oak Ridge and Beaver Ridge. Hoping to see more flakes this year (although last season wasn't bad out west).
  3. The blue line is I-40. I'm one mile south to scale. We got lit up!
  4. I got absolutely hammered in west Knox tonight. The storm that came through was quite strong as well.
  5. Chiming in late, but my official west Knox county measurement was 7 inches. That beats 2014 and 2015 for this location which were both around 6 inches. It's possible January 2000 was higher, although I was traveling at the time and wasn't in West Knox to measure. Regardless, this was an historic snowstorm for this area and it was a ton of fun watching the stars line up to really allow us to cash in in the central valley. Helluva storm!
  6. Finely flaked snow, coming down hard, wind blown, parking lots getting white. I'm showing 31 degrees on the weather station.
  7. Still got my windows open, currently at 72 in the living room. I can better listen for thunder snow this way might as well keep em open.
  8. Got dang son, you ain't kidding, pouring heavy wet snow and everything is insta white. R.I.P. puddles.
  9. Can confirm, I'm ripping sleet with flakes at a good rate one mile south of the cedar bluff exit, no more rain.
  10. When I saw that pancake table someone posted earlier I thought of you. Five inches is nothing to sneeze at, good for you my friend!
  11. Some of the models have been honking an initial sleet layer for days. Good on them.
  12. Based on RadarScope it looks like the I75 corridor is turning frozen south of Knox.
  13. Correlation Coefficient has it at the 40/75 split. Won't be long!
  14. I still had the windows open from earlier. The front rolled in quickly and I'm down to 42, the place has cooled rapidly. It's happening!
  15. We are exactly 5 degrees separated. Makes sense based on the angle of attack and the geography.
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