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About bankdawg

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Rochelle, GA

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  1. Looks like Cordele had the biggest snowfall in GA with 9" Didnt you say the record here was 3"?
  2. we got 6.5" about 40 miles to your southeast in Pineview
  3. With all the records being broken, this historic storm will have to have a name. What will it be?
  4. I just measured 2 inches - snow started 3 hours before.
  5. never thought I would take a picture like this.
  6. after 1 hour of snow, our first since '18
  7. pouring snow in south central GA, ground covered, deck covered in 45 min
  8. fluries started here about 2:30. Snowing decently now 30 min later, building up on deck. First snow since 2018
  9. snowing at the southern part of central GA, collecting on the deck. small pieces of snow
  10. 27* with dew point of 11 in southern edge of central GA
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